Breathless - Nurse

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Another day, another trial... I can only hope this will be another interesting killer, being sacrificed most of these trials is so dull! How hard is it to find a killer I can bribe, huh?

When the fog lifts I find myself stood outside some kind of run down asylum... That's interesting, I wonder what killer could be tied to this realm.

Lucky for me, I got my answer pretty quickly thanks to the piercing screech from across the map and one of my teammates being swiftly downed and hooked. An efficient one by the looks of it...

Soon enough whoever it was came to disrupt the inside gen I was working through. I paused for a moment to stare at the entrance she had just appeared in, seeing her appear fatigued in some way, her breath raspy and strained.

For the sake of not dying immediately I took the opportunity to drop down but got myself hit anyway as she blinked through the floor right in front of me.

Shit, how am I supposed to evade her if she can do that? Actually... Do I even want to? Despite that pillow case concealing her face she looks to have a nice form, certainly helped by that dress... Though I'd gladly take it off...

All my thinking gave her enough time to smack me to the ground, making me laugh a little. "Well that was unnecessary, if you wanted me beneath you, you could've just asked~"

She seemed to tilt her head curiously before letting out what sounded like a wheezy laugh and bringing me straight to the nearest hook. Damn, I'll assume that's a rejection for now...

The trial went by fairly quickly, and soon we had all hit second hook with 2 gens left. We'd split into pairs to get them done but it wasn't long before the other pair were downed.

Weirdly they never got hooked, yet they seemed to be eliminated somehow... No clue how that could happen but ah well, we need this generator.

I didn't get much time to think before I saw my partner get pulled off the gen and dropped to the ground, me being briefly chased then carried back to the gen and dropped nearby.

Suddenly it made sense why they were eliminated as I saw the killer blink onto my partner, choking them out. Saving the best for last, huh...

I closed my eyes, waiting for the grip around my neck to come but it never did. Instead, I felt a light weight sat on top of me and a soft, cold hand stroke my cheek.

I opened my eyes slowly to see her straddling me as she had the others, but I could almost tell she was smiling... She let out a raspy breath and tried to form words, getting them out just clearly enough for me to understand.

"You... Cute... I like you..."

Now that's what I like to hear! I knew all my teammates would be back at the campfire by now and gladly took the opportunity to admire the killer. Despite having that pillow case concealing her face she was still rather attractive, my eyes drifting down her figure. 

"So... You into choking?" I decided to bluntly ask, gauging her reaction. Her head tilted slightly for a moment before she slid the hand that was on my cheek to my neck, not applying any pressure though. 

"Are you...?" she wheezed softly, sounding oddly playful. This is going to be a fun endgame... Nodding gently I reached out a hand and placed it on her hip, feeling the soft, torn up fabric of her dress.

She lightly squeezed my neck, being careful not to hurt me as I slipped a hand higher up onto her body towards her chest. Lightly fondling her with my hands, enjoying how soft her body felt underneath her clothing I heard her breathing get a little louder. She must be liking this too then...

Pushing my luck I started to slowly undo her belt which she allowed me to do freely, placing it to the side and watching her slip off her outermost layer, revealing a tattered brown dress beneath it.

It seemed she wanted the pillow case to stay on, which is understandable. I slide my hands back across the dress, watching as she slid it off to reveal a fairly worn looking corset and tattered shift. 

Well that's certainly new, I suppose her working in an Asylum does date her quite far back...

She paused before we got any further, blinking into the building and coming back a mere second later with an old, slightly stained blanket and pillow, setting them down for me to lay on.

How thoughtful of her~

She then gestured to my clothing, which I swiftly removed leaving us both in our undergarments. It didn't take long before even those were gone too, her body feeling cold yet comforting as it pressed against me.

She pulled me gently upright to a sitting position, interlocking our legs and pulling me in until our bodies were pressed together. Her soft breathing got a little more rough as we moved against one another, both of us exploring the other with our hands.

Much to my surprise, her cold body began to feel warm where we were touching which was certainly interesting, and made the feeling a lot nicer.

It felt odd being unable to kiss her, I likely could but I'd rather not get a taste of that pillowcase... She seemed to have almost read my mind, perhaps it was my eyes fixed on where her mouth would be, and lifted the fabric just above her nose.

The small part of her face I could see was delicate and soft, wasting no time I connected our lips to feel closer to her...

Minutes felt like hours as we enjoyed the feel of each others bodies, gradually working towards our climax. She seemed to reach it first, letting out a small gasp and pulling me closer. Her soft pants encouraged me, reaching my own high shortly after.

We stayed like that for a while, just relaxing in each other's arms before she lay me back down, giving me a soft kiss and slipping back on her clothing.

I looked up at her admiringly for a little longer before doing the same, folding up the blanket carefully.

Once we were back to normal she scooped me up, carrying me with her until we found the hatch. She gave me one more soft kiss before dropping me into it...


Author's Note:  I wasn't entirely sure what Nurse's undergarments would be, as her time period in her lore is fairly nonspecific so I took a guess at what they might be and hopefully got it about right. (and also simplified them for the sake of this chapter not being 70% trying to get her clothes off haha)

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