Hot Springs - Oni

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After being around the killers enough, I found out that it's possible to move between the realms even outside of trials; today I feel like giving it a try... Wandering into the part of the forest they mentioned I followed their vague instructions and attempted to picture where I wanted to go...

My body was engulfed by familiar smoke and as it cleared I looked around to see what I assumed to be part of the yamaoka estate, though this part I'd never seen in a trial before... It definitely wasn't Spirit's residence or the Sanctum, this area appeared to be an unusually serene garden of sorts. As I began to explore the new environment, the faint sound of water flowing became noticeable in the distance. Cautiously wandering closer I saw it was... A hot spring? I really hit the jackpot here! Next to it was a small, traditional looking arbor with a pile of towels on the corner of the railing.

While I've been here I haven't seen any killers around so I'd say it's safe to take a quick dip... It's been a long while since I've been in warm water that's for sure! And besides, even if one did come by perhaps they'd be interested in something else~

Slipping my clothing off and folding them into a neat pile, I stepped carefully into the water and allowed my body to sink into the warmth. Almost immediately I felt any tension remaining in my muscles drifting away, resting my head back against the stone sides and letting my eyes flutter shut.

The sound of heavy footsteps made me jolt back into focus, hearing them stop a little ways behind me. I felt frozen in place as the figure's deep, commanding voice rang out.
"If you're going to use my hot springs I expect you to make yourself useful~"

There was a short pause before I quickly turned my head to see the oni in his regular attire only missing his weapons. The lack of sword and kanabō made me feel slightly less nervous, though with the size of him he definitely didn't need them... A metallic clunk snapped me out of my thoughts and I saw him gradually stripping his armor off, placing it to the ground.

I quickly averted my gaze and felt my cheeks heat up as he began to remove his last few coverings aside from his mask and move towards the spring. Instinctually I shifted my hands to cover myself as he stepped into the water, facing away from me so I could only catch a glimpse of his incredibly muscular back as he sunk down into the water. He towered over me even when sat down and he tilted his head to look at me, appearing to laugh softly.

"Come here~" he commanded, his voice firm yet alluring. I didn't dare refuse and hesitantly moved over to him, feeling his hands grab my hips under the water once I was close enough and scoop me up onto his thigh. The direct contact of our skin made my cheeks turn crimson, which he clearly found amusing. Keeping one of his hands on my hip, the other moved up to my cheek and directed my gaze to meet his hidden one. 

"So small~ I hope I won't break you~" he thought aloud, making a small hum of interest afterwards. Placing my hands delicately on his chest I felt his drift to my behind, wanting to see how I'd react. As he gripped gently I couldn't help but gasp at the gesture, which seemed to be the response he was looking for as he continued to touch me, evoking a warmth in my lower half that wasn't there a moment prior.

One of his hands left my behind and held one of my wrists, guiding my hand down his front and under the water. A small gasp left my lips as my hand collided with his very sizeable length, wrapping my fingers around it curiously. There's no way this is fitting inside me easily, he's huge... 

As I began to steadily move my hand along him he let out a low groan from under his mask, the sound exciting me immensely. Feeling his fingers trail underneath me I let out a small moan of my own as he caressed me. With each movement of my hand he also made one, keeping the same steady pace as me. As I began to speed up my strokes, his matched, quickly letting me know how to earn more.

Steadily moving faster, I heard him let out another low groan and he momentarily slipped a finger inside me before stopping my hand by taking a hold of my wrist.

Before I had a chance to register what he was doing I felt myself being moved up until his tip was lightly pressed against me. Placing my hands onto his large shoulders for support, I gritted my teeth and winced a little as he began to pull me down onto him, his sheer girth stretching me more than ever before.

Pausing frequently to let me adjust he continued until as much of him that would fit was snugly inside me, which was likely only 3/4 of him at most... I barely had a second to relax before he started to gently move me up and down, coaxing soft moans from me as he gradually increased his pace. As he got rougher and rougher I felt my climax rapidly forming inside me, leaning forward onto his chest for support and hearing his husky breaths. Not a second later I felt myself unravelling, holding onto him tightly as he kept up the pace throughout my high.

Not slowing at all, I felt him starting to get sloppy, pulling me down a few more times before letting out a noise of pleasure and filling me up. Resting myself against his body I felt his chest rising and falling, gradually slowing back to normal. He wrapped his arms around me and held me firmly, not allowing me to have any chance of escape.

"Good girl~"

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