Heatwave - Ghostface & Frank

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Requested by @kaibabbyyy

Ugh... The Entity has decided that it wants to give seasons a try to 'spice things up a little' and it's terrible at it. The last few weeks the temperature of the realm has been fluctuating like crazy whilst it figures it out, and now we've been flung into the worst summer heat imaginable. At least we don't get thirsty, so it could be worse, but it's still too hot to think straight.

Laying on the prickly grass away from the other survivors an idea suddenly formed in my head as I remembered passing by what seemed like a river on my way to the killer's side. It was risky, sure, but it's the only way I can think of to deal with this warmth. Hauling myself to my feet I glanced around to make sure nobody was looking before slipping off into the trees. As much as I liked the company of the other survivors, I'd rather keep this discovery to myself...

Frustratingly, the heat was no better even in the shade of the dense forest since it wasn't quite the same as back home so I did my best to follow the directions I remembered as hastily as possible. By the time the sweet sound of flowing water became audible, I was drenched in sweat and felt like absolute shit. Reaching the edge of the stream I didn't even stop to look around before stripping to my underwear and climbing into the cool water - sighing in relief at the pleasant feeling. The water reached up to my midriff when standing so I crouched down a little to cool as much of myself as I could, not worrying too much about my minimal clothing getting wet. 

I lost track of how long I was stood in the water, completely oblivious to my surroundings until a twig snapping to the side of the clearing grabbed my attention. Darting my gaze up towards the direction of the sound I gulped, seeing a maskless, slightly sweaty Frank leant against a tree with a huge smirk on his face. He wasn't wearing his usual attire this time - instead of his hoodie, he had a grey tank top which nicely showed his muscle and brought a slight blush to my face. 

"Nice~" was all he purred before making his way closer as I sunk into the water up to my neck, bringing my arms up to feebly cover myself out of embarrassment. "H-How long have you been there...?" I muttered out after he'd seated himself at the edge of the water calmly, hearing him chuckle. "Oh, not long, though I'm not the only one who wanted to get a glimpse at the cutie in the stream...~" he raised a brow and directed his gaze back towards the treeline. There didn't seem to be anyone there until I saw a flash of a floating, black strip peeking out from behind a tree. I felt my face flushing as I realised my second voyeur had likely taken some pictures to remember the encounter by, doing my best to not get too flustered at the thought. Hearing Frank groan softly disrupted my thoughts, looking back up at him to see him fanning the front of his shirt slightly. "Mind if I join you, babe? It's way too hot right now..." he met my gaze, getting a quick nod from me. 

He didn't waste a second before peeling off his outer clothing, my eyes glued to his form as he casually undressed in front of me before dropping into the water in just his boxers. I did my best not to stare, but it was impossible to resist sneaking glances at him as he splashed water over himself. As my eyes trailed down his figure, I paused at his waistband - seeing a distinct bulge further down. "...You know, if you want to gawk at my dick that badly you could've just asked," he smirked at me and I quickly looked away, mumbling a small "shut up" as he waded closer to me. Feeling his hands grip my sides I let mine rest on his chest, a slight warmth starting to build in my abdomen. A slight splash a few metres behind me made my head turn, seeing an equally undressed Ghostface had decided to also join us. 

"Since you're both here..." I started, glancing between them with a slight smirk of my own, the two of them understanding what I was going to say without me needing to. Barely a second later I was nicely wedged between the two of them, excitement building in my stomach at the way they were looking at me. "Are you sure you can handle both of us at once, sweetheart?" a smooth voice whispered into my ear and I shivered slightly. "Mm... I'd like to try~" I smirked back, feeling my underwear get slowly tugged down as Frank took his opportunity to peel off my bra. Wanting to return the gesture, I shifted my hands to his hips, biting my lip slightly as I slid his boxers down and let him throw them up onto the bank - Ghostface doing the same a moment later. 

I didn't have a chance to react before I was lifted out of the water, my back flush to Ghostface's chest and my legs held up and open by Frank. A firm length being pressed to my rear entrance made me moan softly in anticipation, wanting nothing more than to feel it filling me. As if he read my mind, I quickly felt it being carefully slid inside me - being gentle so as not to hurt me much. "Ngh... Danny~" I let my head tilt back a little as he sheathed himself completely inside me. "Moaning like that already, hm? Let's see how you handle a second~" Frank purred to me, stealing my lips in a quick kiss as he pressed himself against my other entrance, pushing in smoothly. "Ah~ Fuck, please," I placed my arms onto Frank's shoulders for stability as the two of them began to move in sync, the combined feeling almost making me drool. 

"Feeling good, doll~?" I felt Ghostface start to get a little rougher, his lips kissing along my neck leaving small marks on me as he went. "Y-Yess~ Danny... Frank... Don't stop~" their paces increased rapidly at my words, my mind going blank at the intense feeling. Soft huffs of pleasure filled the air from all three of us, the soft trickling of the water beneath me masking them quite well. "Mmh... Where do you want it?" Frank panted softly, noticeably more flushed than before. 

"Inside," I responded without a second thought, feeling my own high rapidly approaching. Danny whispering a sultry "good girl," in my ear was enough to send me over the edge, crying out softly as I tightened up around them both - coaxing out a low groan as warmth filled both my holes a few seconds later. 

Staying in their grasp for a few moments while we all caught our breath, I felt them both pull out and lay me down on the bank, holding my legs open with their eyes fixated between them. "H-Hey..." I muttered under my breath, hearing Frank mumble out a small "hot," as they watched their cum drip out of me. Suddenly, I felt two fingers scoop up a mixture of them and press against my lips for me to lap up, which I eagerly did. Danny repeated this gesture a few more times, even slipping his fingers inside me to scoop it out until there was nothing left.

...Maybe this heat isn't such a bad thing after all.

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