Tormented - Pyramid Head

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After my amazing success last time I want to see if I can find a very specific realm... Stepping into the fog I squeeze my eyes shut and picture my destination...

Sure enough, as I opened my eyes, I was delighted to see I was stood in the halls of Midwich Elementary School. Sadly the one I was looking for was elsewhere currently so I began walking in the hopes of bumping into him... A rift in the floor caught my attention, seeing as it was one of his trails I knew this was how I could make him aware of my presence. Stepping onto it I winced a little, feeling myself become tormented. At least now he'll know I'm here! Deciding to wait around the trail I kept an eye on both halls, trying to contain my excitement as I saw him appear around one of the corners.

As he began moving in my direction I raised my hand and waved at him, "Hey Pyramid Head~ " I grinned, doing my best to communicate what I was after. As he got closer I saw him stab his knife into the ground, leaping to one side I just about dodged his attack. "Hey now that's a bit rude," I mumbled under my breath, realising he wasn't going to be as easy as I anticipated...

I began to move towards one of the rooms, glancing back to see him still following me I assumed he was after a chase first. "You want to chase me? Come get me then~!" I taunted him, leaping over a window and narrowly dodging another punishment. The third time he struck I wasn't so lucky, the ground splitting beneath my feet and injuring me. Shit. He was beginning to catch up to me and I did my best to run him around a little longer before I inevitably felt his knife slam into my back, throwing me to the floor.

Letting out a groan of pain I rolled over to look up at him as he stood over me. "Alright, you caught me, what now~?" I chuckled, seeing him once again slam his knife into the ground which parted beneath me causing me to slip into darkness for a few moments...

Coming to I looked around, seeing I was in a cage but... This one looked a little different than usual... For a start, I wasn't impaled on any spikes which was nice. Instead, my hands were firmly bound above my head, suspending me from the top of the cage. Who would've guessed, Pyramid Head is into bondage! Chuckling to myself slightly at the thought, I saw one of the doors open and Pyramid Head walked in, resting his knife against one of the desks and making his way towards my cage suspended in the middle of the room.

Walking to the back of the cage he pulled it open, reaching his hands towards me. His gloved fingers trailed over my sides, down to my hips, and lastly thighs. Arousal welled inside me as I felt him pull my hips back and press into my behind, lightly grinding against me. From the feeling of it, the knife wasn't the only big and long thing he possessed...

I couldn't help but make a small moan of enjoyment as he continued grinding against me, the hard mass behind his apron growing rapidly. He pulled away slightly and, from the sound of shifting fabric, he began to shed the apron from his body. I turned my head to look at him, my eyes trailing over his newly exposed form as his hands moved to mine, gently removing the clothing from my lower half.

The cool air on my exposed skin made me shiver a little, though the warmth of his body once again pressing against me soon relieved that. As he began to grind his length against me again, one of his hands crept up my top to gently squeeze my chest, earning him a small gasp. Before I had time to react he'd swiftly moved back enough to push himself inside me, an echoed groan coming from under his mask. He didn't hesitate to start slamming into me at full force, catching me completely off-guard.

Desperate moans flowed from my lips as he kept up the rough pace, his grip on me feeling tight enough to bruise. It barely took a few more minutes for my climax to begin building up inside me and, despite my best efforts to hold back, I gasped out his name as he brought me to my high. My wrists had started to get a little sore, and I was glad to feel him pull out and release his load over my behind before reaching up and freeing my hands. Once I could move, he lowered me gently to the ground and I leant my weight against the cage while I caught my breath.

"T-That was amazing~" I panted, feeling his hand playfully squeeze my behind before he pulled his apron back on and went to collect his knife. To my surprise, he walked back over and thoughtfully wiped off my lower back with his hand before leaving me to sort myself out and returning to patrolling the halls...

[18+] DBD x Reader (Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now