Caught - Huntress

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Walking through these woods is oddly peaceful, there's not usually anyone else out here which is great. Wandering through the trees I take a moment to lean against one and just enjoy the atmosphere when a sudden woosh above my head startles me. Looking up, I see a razor sharp hatched wedged in the tree above me, and hearing a gentle hum I look in front of me to see a bunny-masked woman approaching. She looks incredibly strong, and that axe is huge...

"What are you doing out here little one?" she leant in, significantly taller than me which was slightly intimidating.
"Just... Uh... Walking..." and trying to not be split in two with hatchets, I added in my head. I saw her smile and pull the hatchet free from the tree, looking over to the sky. 
"So... Who are you? I don't think I've met you before?" I questioned softly, seeing her put the hatchet away on her belt and turn to me. 
"I'm the Huntress... And you, little one, were almost the prey~" she grinned, her voice soft with a distinct malicious undertone. She placed a hand on the tree beside me, trapping me in place and chuckling softly at my nervousness. 

"Like small deer~" she cooed playfully, scooping me up into her arms without any warning. Man, these guys just love picking me up, huh? Not that I'm complaining... Her carrying me like this is slightly pressing me into her soft chest, likely one of the few parts of her body that's soft...

I gently rested my head on her shoulder, closing my eyes and not resisting one bit to wherever she was taking me which seemed to amuse her. She began to softly hum again, and I almost fell asleep before I heard the sound of her footsteps change from earth to wood. Opening my eyes a little I saw her bringing me into a small cabin, setting me down onto a soft blanket in front of the fire.

She seemed to watch me happily as she hung up her axe and hatchets, steadily walking over to me. Despite her rough appearance she gave off... Almost motherly comfort... She sat down next to me and smiled, scooping me back up and taking me to her room. Opening the door I saw her bed was significantly more ornate than the others I'd seen, 4 posts and translucent drapes between each of them.

Laying me down softly she hummed the end of her tune warmly and placed her hand on my cheek
"How cute~ I'm going to have fun with you, little one~" her smile became somewhat devious and a slight shiver ran up my spine. 

She reached under her bed for something and pulled out some lengths of rope. I gasped softly, knowing exactly where this was going next... Tilting her head softly she only said a few words but they were enough to get my heart racing.
"Strip for me~"

I happily obliged, removing my clothing piece at a time until I was almost nude.
"All of it~" the Huntress cooed to me softly, eyeing my body as I shyly did so. My initial instinct was to cover myself but she pushed me onto my back, pinning my arms together above my head and binding them together skillfully, securing me to the bed.

Seeming pleased with the position I was in she chuckled, and my face flushed deeply as I saw her gaze drifting down my figure. Managing to get my voice to work I mumbled out a quiet "Not fair..." to which she tilted her head and hummed questioningly.

"You still have all your clothes on..." I practically whispered, but her sharp ears caught it and she walked right up close.
"You are the prey, remember~? I decide what you get~" she smirked, immediately making me completely submissive to her. This is torture, she's just admiring me! God how badly I want her to touch me right now...

As if she could hear my thoughts she knelt on the bed next to me, placing her hand onto my stomach, making my breath hitch. Sliding it upwards, painfully slowly, she paused just below my bust which gained a small whine from me. Seeming to be happy with my submission she fulfilled my unspoken request, gently grabbing my breast and massaging it, being sure to lightly brush her thumb over my sensitive buds every now and then.

Some small, quiet moans slipped through my lips, catching her attention and she leant down to my ear slowly.
"That's it~ Keep making those cute noises~" 
I felt my cheeks heat up more as she slowly moved her hand down my stomach, pausing as her fingertips were just a breath away from my slit. My breath got a little shaky from need, trying to lightly buck my hips in the hopes of coaxing her hand further down. All my efforts got was a soft laugh and a small 'awwh'.

"How precious~ Is the little one that worked up already?" she cooed to me, sliding her hand an inch more so it was just about touching me. All I could do was nod, but this seemed adequate as I felt her fingers slide over me, getting a blissful moan from me. I was putty in her hands at this point, completely submissive to anything she was going to do to me.

A soft gasp left my mouth as she slid a finger inside me, using her thumb to massage my clit. Shit that feels nice after all the teasing just now~ I didn't bother holding back my voice, shamelessly begging for her to add another finger, which she did.

Increasing the pace of her movements, I felt my love juices dripping out onto the sheets and making a small wet patch below me. Just as I felt my abdomen start to get tight, signifying I was close she removed her fingers, making me whimper needily.

My desperate pleas paused though as I saw she was removing her belt and suspenders, her torn sarafan falling to the ground with it. I watched lustfully as she removed her last pieces of clothing before climbing onto the bed in front of me.

It quickly became apparent why she hadn't secured my feet to the bed also as she pulled my hips up, resting my legs over her shoulders so that I could feel her warm breath between them. She smiled briefly before sliding her tongue over me, seeming to take great interest in lapping up all the lewd juices I was leaking.

My eyes half shut at the incredible feeling, her tongue massaging all the right places in such a way that made my legs feel like jelly. It felt like my climax was starting to slowly coil inside me again, and she certainly knew. 

Her tongue moved faster and the grip on my hips got a little rougher. Barely able to cohesively speak from the intense pleasure I just gasped as I reached my high, feeling her happily licking me clean. She stayed there for a few more moments before lowering my hips to the bed and leaning over me to untie my arms which flopped down to the pillows. 

Laying down beside me she pulled me into her, softly kissing the back of my neck. 
"You stay here with me for a while~" she cooed to me again, which I nodded to.

I'm more than happy to oblige with that~

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