Nora then grabbed a couple necklaces and a couple band tees for the younger girl and paid for it after muting so chat couldn't hear.

"Im back!" Nora said after unmuting and leaving the store.

"Hi back im Tubbo"

"Didn't land," Skylar and Nora said at the same time as Skylar then flung herself to the floor laughing.

"So what did you get at the store?" Ranboo asked as Tubbo died in the server and screamed.

"Oh just some presents for my friend" Nora said and Skylar believed it was for a different friend but the two other boys knew otherwise.

Nora then walked back to her flat after stopping to get a box to put everything in and wrapping paper as well.

Once she got inside she sat down and put her camera facing her but nothing else which was a hard thing for her to figure out how to do.

"Hey Tubbo?" Nora said as she sent him a message asking for dreams number.

"Yeah Nora?" Tubbo said as he didnt see the message because his phone was on silent.

"Can you check your messages real quick or after the stream." Nora asked as she pulled opened his stream to see him opening his phone.

"Yeah i answered!" Tubbo said happily thinking that Nora was uncomfortable or upset, but then seeing the message and knowing that she's doing something for Skylar.

"Guys i'll be right back!" Nora said leaving the VC and calling the number Tubbo sent her.

"Hello?" A voice said as it rang through the phone. Tubbo had texted dream about giving Nora his number so he was expecting it.

"Dream! It's Nora" She could sense that he relaxed immediately after she said who it was.

"Hello Nora! What's up Tubbo told me you were gonna call." The older man asked as Nora sat down on her couch after placing the box on her kitchen island.

"I Bought Skylar a gift for her birthday and i know it's not gonna get there in time but i still would like to send it so could i have your address green boy" Nora said quoting Skylar which caused the older man to let out a sharp wheeze before sending her, his address.

"Oh before you go! How have you been doing? I remember those times we were in a VC and your parents.. Do they fight a lot?" Dream asked as the younger girl chuckled lightly.

"I'm good Dream! I actually just moved because my dad cheated on my mom, so I've been going through it but I know in the end I'll be okay! I mean I still have my mom and she's like the best mom ever." Dream smiled at the girl even though she couldn't see.

"If you need anything I'll be here and listen alright? Even if you can't sleep just call me alright? I do that with Skylar when she can't sleep. I lay in her bed beside her and just talked about random things."

"Thank you" The girl let out a soft sigh and smile as she felt a tear fall down her face.

"Of course Nora! I've got to fim so you have a good day okay!"

"You as well bye!" Nora said as dream hung up.

Nora then rejoined the VC to see both of the boys streams ended and a few other people in the VC talking to the group. It was now Tubbo, Ranboo, Skylar, Tommy, Philza, Wilbur and Techno. Karl was there for a second but she had just missed him.

"Hello!" She spoke and she reentered the VC.
"Welcome back Nor!" Tubbo spoke as the rest of the group noticed the nickname they didn't speak on it.

"Hi Nora!" Wilbur spoke which caused the girl to laugh.

"HI WILBUR-" She said before getting cut off by a scream from a certain blonde boy.


"HELLO TOMMY" Nora said with the same energy as Tommy had.

Nora then had gotten a twitter notification from tommy as she then saw Jack manifold comment so she immediately knew that it was the picture from yesterday that she took.

"WHAT" Skylar yelled as she was looking over Ranboo's shoulder at his twitter.

"THIS IS NOT FAIR" Tubbo then screamed as Techno laughed.

"OH! Hi Technoblade im Nora!"

"Halllooo just call me techno"
She then nodded and held a thumbs up as she started making dinner as the group talked.

"Yeah the vlog will be out soon on Jack's Channel i saw the part where we first saw Nora and it was hilarious"

"We coded it so that this real life mod was hilarious!" Skylar said, spinning around in her gaming chair mimicking both her father and tommy.

The group then all laughed as tomy told her to shut up and she just kept repeating the phrase over and over.

"Nora?!" Maura said as she unlocked her daughters flat.

"Oh Mother! I didn't know you were coming so soon! I haven't finished dinner yet." Nora said as she saw her mother walk through and put her keys on the table by the couch.

"Oh guys i'm gonna go! Byeeee!" Nora said as she then left the VC after everyone said their goodbyes.

"How are you doing today?" Maura asked her daughter as she smiled taking in how amazing her day actually was. She hasn't felt this good in a long time and she was extremely happy about that.

"Really good. Um i actually need to talk to you about something!" She ended up then talking to her mom about the whole puppy thing which was 5 days from down where she needed to drive to tubbo.

Her mom ended up having to work and so she then called Gene once her mother left.

"HEY NORA!" Gene yelled as they answered the phone.

"Hey Gene i have a question!" Nora spoke after a scream came through the line.

'What's up!"

"Can you drive me somewhere in 5 days im gonna pick up a puppy" She heard a gasp then a sad sigh on the other side of the phone.

"I can't! I'm visiting family right now! The parents dont know I'm here either so we are having a PARTY!"

Nora then lightly laughed and the pair talked for about 10 minutes before Gene hung up because they were going to dinner.

She then had no idea what to do when she got a phone call. Once she looked at the name she then thought that person could drive her but she didn't want to bother.

But she decided to answer and hear what he had to say than ask him.

"Hello?" Nora asked as she heard the man on the other side of the phone rustling around a bit.

"Nora! I need to talk to you about the Smp things for Skylar's birthday a little more!" Wilbur replied once he sat down at his desk and finally heard the younger girl.

1739 Words

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