"She isn't sinking" Derek commented. "But this is fresh water. She should be sinking" Derek said slowly. I clenched my fists, ignoring Derek's comment. I didn't know what it ment. No one did. I glanced down at my watch which was surprisingly still functioning.

"Nothing's happening" I whined, glancing down at my watch again and then back up at the shape that floated elegantly in the water, gently swaying back and forth. The longer I stared, the more dread began to grow. Derek rested his hand on my shoulder. "No" I whispered. "This has to work" I blubbered to myself.

"Stiles, its been ten minutes" Derek said softly. What? No! It had only been a few minutes. Not-not ten minutes. I shook my head furiously.

"He's right Stiles" Scott whispered, a tear slipping down his cheek. I let out a sob, my gaze dropping to where the water met the shore. Small waves pushed forward before being dragged back. Over and over again. As the tears began to run down my face, I felt myself swaying with the current. As I watched the waves, one hit my foot. I jumped, startled.

"The water hit my foot" I whispered. "Water in lakes don't move. There shouldn't be a current" I muttered. I looked up, my eyes meeting Derek's filled with confusion. "Why are there waves?" I asked. I turned my head quickly, finding Emma. I gasped along with everyone else as we looked out on her. Around her, the water had begun to glow. Slowly, the dark water around her began to look like the light blue water you find in tropical places. The light blue water began to expand, further and further across the lake, relfecting up on our faces. Soon, the whole body of dark water was glowing a turqouise blue. I spotted Emma, floating in the center of it. The water around her had areas of red as it seemed to be ridding her body of the blood. Soon, her dress was a bright white again, her hair shiny and blonde, and her face clean.

The waves began to increase, the water gaining speed as it moved around the lake. A wind began to pick up, picking the leaves up around us, throwing them in the air. They began to spin. I looked up in wonder, sheilding my eyes to prevent any debris from hitting me. I looked back at the water and Emma was gone. "Scott" I said, grabbing onto his arm. Scott turned towards the lake, his eyes going wide when he realized what I had.

"Where is she?" he asked, skimming over the lake with his eyes. Derek just stared, mouth agap.

"W-what's happening?" Allison asked. I clamped my mouth shut, unsure. I grabbed onto Scott's arm as the wind and waves began to die down. The bright blue color began to fade, leaving the lake the way we found it. The lake was once again plain, the only light the moon reflecting off the very still water.

"Did it work?" Scott whispered. I shook my head. This wasn't how it happened the first time. It was immediate. She would have been alive by now.

"I don't think it did" I cried, turning into Scott who pulled me into a large hug, rocking me back and forth. I pressed my face into his shoulder. Tears began to roll down my face as a sense of complete and utter darkness engulfed my heart. Emma was gone. My only sliver of hope was stomped out.

"Stiles" Derek whispered. I pulled away from Scott. Derek stared straight out across the water. I followed his gaze until I found what he was looking at. Bubbles. A few bubbles popped in the middle of the lake. Something alive was swimming there. And I had a very good guess who.

My eyes opened, my sight was all black. I was under water. I coughed, panicking. Bubbles floated up to the surface of the water. I looked up at the surface, the moon light shinning through the water. I looked down at my chest. It was healed. I was alive! I felt myself laugh, instantly regretting it as water flooded my mouth. I kicked my legs, moving my arms as I made my way toward the surface. I stuck out my hand, the cool air hitting it. I kicked my legs through the water, my head reaching the surface.

I gasped for breath, looking around panicked. Where was I? How was I alive? The cool night air made me shiver as I treaded in the water, spinning in circles as I searched for something.

"Emma! Emma!" I heard Stiles scream. I turned around, spotting figures standing on the shore. He waved his arms frantically, trying to get my attention.

"Stiles!" I yelped, kicking frantically. My legs got tangled in my dress causing me to go under for a moment. I quickly resurfaced, coughing. I spotted Stiles running into the water. He dove under, resurfacing a few feet closer. I laughed, swimming towards him.

I swam, my arms gliding through the water, my legs kicking, propelling me forward. I let my leg drop, my toes finding sand. I put my other foot down, standing in neck deep water. Stiles swam closer until finally he was right in front of me. He stood staring at me for a moment, a large grin on his face. Then he laugh, reaching out and pulling me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing the side of his cheek. "I love you so much" he laughed.

"I love you to" I smiled back. I pulled back, still in his arms. He stared at me, a look of pride on his face.

"I knew it would work" he whispered.

"What would work? How am I alive?" I asked, a cool breeze hitting my exposed skin, causing me to shiver.

"You died. I remembered what you said about the river healing you. We brought you here and all this stuff happened but now you're alive!" Stiles laughed. The water had brought me back again. Must be some type of holy water.

"Thank you" I smiled. "For healing me". I leaned in, pressing my lips against his. I closed my eyes, appreciating how good it was to be alive right now. How good it was to be in love. Stiles pulled away, grinning.

"I don't think I will ever be able to live without that" he laughed. I rolled my eyes, playfully splashing him. I looked past him, spotting the rest of my friends. "C'mon" Stiles said grabbing my hand as he pulled me towards shore.

One step after the other, I left the water. The water that had yet again saved my life. Scott ran forward, pulling me into a giant hug. "Oh my god thank god you are okay!" He exclaimed, rocking back and forth. "Also thank you for sacrificing yourself so Derek could get me out of there. You saved my life and nearly died for it" Scott spoke fast, letting out a sigh of relief when he finished. "I thought I would never get a chance to say that" he smiled. I laughed

"Well you're welcome. You my friend are worth saving" I smiled. He laughed giving me some space. I looked past him, spotting Derek. He stood farther back. He nodded, offering a small smile before turning and walking away. I went to call him back, but I was brought into another hug.

"Emma I am so sorry! This is all my fault and-" Allison began to apologize profusely.

"Like I said before, I forgive you. I should have told you about me earlier but I didn't want you to hate me" I smiled. "I promise, clean slate" Allison smiled back. Stiles walked up next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I leaned into him, feeling so grateful.

"So who's up for a burger?" He asked. My stomach growled, still hungry from not being fed for three days. "I'll take that as a yes".

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