Chapter 6: Unexpected Visitors

Start from the beginning

"Hey," I laugh awkwardly as I turn to him, letting him down when he tries to push me away. I gently lower him down and watch him glare at me. I cross my arms across my chest, staring him down. Why is he giving me that look? So much sass and attitude.

"I wunt mewk," He said, making me look at him with wide eyes.

I didn't know he could speak. Man, I am such a proud auntie.

"Milk? You want milk?" I ask him and he stomps his feet.

"Mewk!!" He shouts, making me step back.

He did not just shout at me. I put on a smile, trying to be calm. We just met and he's getting on my nerves. Reaching out to him, I said softly, "Uncle Asher went to get milk. How bout we play while waiting?"

"No, I no play with you," He grumbles, stomping away.

When Aiden gets back, I am so taking out my anger on him. He wants me to watch over his kid? I have never handled kids before except this one time. I had to watch over a friend's kid who ran off and I almost died chasing after him. Since then, I stay away from kids. Their cuteness can be the reason for my death. They stress me out and that isn't good for my condition. I sit down on the couch, watching Silas as he plays with his toys.

"Where's your daddy, Silas?" I ask, trying to make conversation.

Ignoring me, he continues to play while I try to keep my cool.

"Where's mama?" I ask.

I would love to meet my sister-in-law soon. She must be so beautiful and kind-hearted. I remember being on a call with my brother years ago when I was 12 and he told me he hopes to marry a girl as perfect like our mother. Silas' mother must have blonde hair and hazel eyes because Silas has blonde hair and hazel eyes. He is the cutest little boy. He's definitely going to be a heartbreaker one day.

Once again, he continues playing and pays no attention to me. Well, I'm going to give him time to open up to me. I am going to be the coolest auntie to him.

There comes a knock on the door and I look at the screen on the wall, seeing who was behind the door. My eyes went wide when I realize who it was. I wonder what brings him here. I go open the door, looking up at his tall figure. He stands there with a smile and shows me a basket.

"I brought grapes," He gives me a smile.

I look at the basket full of grapes then look at him, "For me?"

"No dumbass," He mutters, "It's mine. I just wanted to show it off."

He shakes his head at me, adding, "Of course it's yours... I remember you saying how much you love grapes."

A smile slowly forms on my face as I take the basket from him, saying, "Awwww, you shouldn't have, Suho."

"Mother sent them to me, but I don't really like grapes," He tells me.

Someone touches my side, making me turn and look down to see. Silas stands there, behind me as he looks up at Suho. Suho looks at me, surprised. I lean down, putting the basket down on the floor.

"Is that your son?" He asked me.

I smirk before looking up at him with a confident smile, lying, "Yes, he is."

"Am not," Silas said, making me glance at him.

Dude does not have my back.

Suho smirks, lowering himself on the floor with us. He keeps his beautiful eyes on me, pulling me in. Whenever I look into his eyes, I am mesmerized.

"She's not your mama?" Suho asked him quietly and he shakes his head no. His little no made Suho smirk before glancing at me, saying, "Good."

I drop on the floor completely, grabbing a piece of grape before putting it into my mouth. Suho was making conversation with Silas and my own nephew seemed to be comfortable around him. Like, ouch. I'm nice, why don't he like me? Suho picks him up, holding him and he doesn't seem to care. In fact, he was staring at Suho's eyes. I mean, who wouldn't? They are so beautiful. I stand up, picking up the basket of grapes, saying, "Thanks for this."

Suho waves me off and talks to Silas. My jaw drops, watching them ignore me. I shake my head at them as they turn away from me. As I look at them, I can't help but think about how cute they are. I pull my phone out and quickly took a picture of them together.

"Finally, you're back," I said when Uncle Asher finally shows up with the milk. "If you never returned, I would be using the "Your dad went to get milk but never returned" phrase...but replaced with uncle."

He laughs sarcastically before handing me the bag, looking at Suho who held Silas, "Hey guys."

"Hi Sir," Suho bowed slightly in respect, a little bit confused.

Uncle Asher smiles at him before looking at me. As if realizing something, he snaps his eyes back at Suho, seeing Silas in his arms. He must be shocked to see Silas comfortable with him. We met him first, but he doesn't seem to really like us that much.

"I brought your milk, kiddo," Uncle Asher told Silas who was put down on the floor. He grabs Uncle's hand and they enter the apartment, leaving just the two of us outside the door. Suho had a look of confusion on his face, asking, "Who does Silas belong to then?"

I try not look off or something as I say, "Silas is my nephew."

"I thought you were an only child," he replied.

I laugh awkwardly, trying to think of an answer, "I am. He's my cousin...Amber's son."

Suho nods, making me nod as well. I hope I didn't look weird or something. Right now, I want to smack myself so hard. We- I almost blew our cover! I don't even have a cousin named Amber. Gosh, now I am over thinking everything. If there's a reason Aiden brought Silas here, it would be for his protection.

"Well, I have to go take care of stuff," Suho said, checking his watch.

"So soon?" I ask, trying not to act suspicious or anything. I actually wanted him to leave because I am going crazy now.

"Maybe I could stay for few-" He was saying but I cut him off with a fake yawn.

"I'll see you later then," I utter with a smile before quickly shutting the door close. 

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