No words could explain the way her heart actually stopped beating for a fleeting second, her skin tightening within the small time frame, head completely wiped off any thoughts. It was too late for her to flee the scene and drag Yeonjun with her when Officer Kim raised his eyebrows as he comes closers, surprised to see them obviously.

"Eh? Jiwoo-ssi?", he stops in front of her, making the lady turns to her. "Yeonjun?"

"Officer Kim!", Yeonjun happily greets him. "Yes, I am here with Jiwoo—shopping. You're here to shop too?"

Jiwoo doubts she can even muster a smile that moment, still shocked and caught off guard by his sudden appearance. To top it all, knowing that the lady beside her called for him earlier.

Who could this lady be? His colleague? His friend? His sister? Or, his girlfriend?

"Joon?", the lady steps forward, smiling sweet at the two of them as her eyes dart to Joon and them back and forth.

Namjoon looks a little confused for a second, perhaps wondering how to introduce them both but then he was saved by Yeonjun who casually yet politely did the deed. The lady looks surprised, maybe because the two of them look very young compared to Namjoon's other friends but otherwise, she looks delighted to meet them.

"I can leave you three to catch up if—"

"It's okay!", Yeonjun cuts her off, gently taking Jiwoo's hand. "We are leaving already"

"Oh—Yes, we are", Jiwoo finally speaks, putting up a small smile on her shaken face. "Nice to meet you, please have a good day"

Namjoon smiles tightly as he watches Yeonjun practically dragged Jiwoo out of the department store, leaving him and the lady alone at the section. He wasn't sure about it but it felt like something was amiss during their short meeting a moment ago. Jiwoo looks a little perplexed and Yeonjun certainly looks a little too cheerful.

"Sooooo, why were you all blank hmm?", the lady pokes his arm. "I didn't know you have young friends"

Namjoon turns to the lady, clearing his throat before finally relaxing his shoulders. "That was—n-nothing"

"Are they dating? They look so cute together though", she spins around, turning her attention back to the white sweater she was eyeing.

"I think so—maybe", he shrugs his shoulder, adjusting his cap before turning to the lady. "Dami, you asked me out to accompany you find a sweater?"

"Well, and dinner of course. Since my fiancé couldn't accompany me, might as well as you out instead"

Namjoon shakes his head, bitterly smiling as he follows behind her. "Asking your ex-fiancé out sounds like a better option than your friends?"

"Joon, that's 3 years ago. Cut it out. We are adults and the only reason I contacted you again is because I genuinely care about you—as a friend—and also, we talked about this remember?"

Namjoon could not argue any further as Dami gave him a look that says she is done with the topic. After all, there is clearly no more romantic feelings between then, all buried and forgotten three years ago after she decided to call it off. Not in a dramatic way, but more in a rational way. Both accepted the fact they couldn't work out, and they admitted to be better off without each other.

But Dami confessed that she still cares for him as a friend and she tried her best to be a friend to Namjoon at the beginning. Namjoon took it the hard way and decided to cut ties with her, blocked her everywhere because he needed time to fix himself. Dami gave him all the time and she promised not to meddle with his life as he requested her to do so.

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