Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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I walk up the cold, giant stairs of Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry. I feel lonely and tired. I miss the bright cheery steps of Beauxbatons terribly as I walk towards the great hall.
The first year students in front of me seem cheery as they discuss which house they ought to be placed. I feel sick thinking about how people would scan me as I walk in to get sorted.

This is exactly the sort of stuff I hate- 'ATTENTION'.
I have never been the one to make new friends easily. Which Is why I miss Beauxbatons even more- my only 2 friends I managed to make in my 13 years of living in France.

"You can do this." I tell myself as the giant, doors of the Great hall swing open. The overly excited 1st year students rush in. I stoop lower than I usually would as I stepped into it with the realisation that it was not a dream after all.

The first year students get sorted one after the other.
Until, it was my turn when Professor Mcgonagall looks at me and calls me forward, " Berkeley, Evelyn." All eyes fall on me as I step up to sit under the sorting hat.

Everyone started murmuring seeing how I didn't look like a first year. Professor Mcgonagall silenced everyone and continued, " Miss Berkeley here will be joining us in her 3rd year. She used to be a student at the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. I expect everyone to be nice to her and extend a warm welcome to her here at Hogwarts." She smiles at me as she places the sorting hat on my head.

The sorting hat shouts "Gryffindor!" A crowd at a nearby table under a red and gold flag cheer as I get sorted and I know where to head.

Then Professor Dumbledore mentioned a notorious serial killer named Sirius Black escaping Azkaban. 1st day at Hogwarts and it already was different in every form from Beauxbatons.

As I walked to the Gryffindor table, a few people greeted me. A pair of twins moved to make space for me.
"Hi! I'm Fred." One of them said. " and this is George. We're in 5th year year."
"Hie!" I replied to the both of them.
"This is Seamus. That's Dean and that's my adopted brother, Ron." He continued.
"Oh shut up, Fred!" He snarled and waved at me.
"He's in the same year as you." Fred continued.
" That's Hermione, Harry."
They both said "Hi!"
"Welcome to Hogwarts." One of them said. I had already forgotten their names.
I smiled.


My week went by pretty fast. I set up my bed and desk. I shared my dorm with Lily Moon, Hermione Granger, Sophie Roper, Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil. They were all really nice but they already had their groups of friends. Lily and Sophie were inseparable and so were Lavender and Parvati. Hermione had Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.

I often found myself reading books on one of the many vacant staircases. I liked my peace and quiet. I wasn't shy or anything. But I liked to speak only when it was of importance. That meant I barely ever gossiped and that meant, I barely ever made friends.
I would also often just go sit at the ground and watch quidditch practice. I really loved watching the players zoom around and always wished I were good enough, as good as them.


It was 8:55 AM. I was running around like a madwoman trying to find my potions classroom. Stairs at Hogwarts moved- they MOVED! One minute I knew where I was headed and the next, I walked into the 6th years' Defence against the dark arts classes. It had been a week but I still had a hard time moving around the castle.

I saw Ron and Harry rush too and I shouted "H..hey! Are you going to Potions?"
"Yes, yes! Are you too?"
I nodded. "I lost my way"
"Hurry up then. Snape already hates us. And if you come to his first class late, he'll hate you too." Ron said, hurrying down the stairs.

We reached the dungeons panting as we saw Professor snape's black cape disappear into the room. We ran in behind him. All the seats close to the door were full so we just stood there when Snape turned around.

He smirked and said, "Aah. Old habits..die hard. Don't they, Potter, Weasley? And your new late-to-class partner, Miss Berkeley. 5 points each from Gryffindor."
"You, you!" He pointed at Harry and Ron. He points to the empty back bench.
"You miss Berkeley need to meet people who have come here to study. There..." He points me to a group of Slytherins. One of the boys asks his partner to empty the space beside him with a teasing smile as everyone makes "wooooinngg" noises.

I do not pay heed and sit down next to him. "Don't start making the wrong sort of friends here. I can help you with that. I'm Draco by the way, Draco Malfoy." He sneers.
"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks." I reply not even looking at him.
He snorts and says "she bites" to his friends who break out in silent laughter.
"Enough Mr Malfoy." Snape commands and carries on with class.
This was how I met Draco, the sneering, cocky, full of himself, Malfoy.

He was my opposite in every way possible. Arrogant, attention seeking and loud. It didn't take me long to realise who to stay away from. I couldn't concentrate the whole class because he just wouldn't shut up. Every chance he got, he would be making fun of other classmates.

I also realised that Snape probably hates me already to make me sit with Malfoy and his goons. The class was an hour long but it felt like an eternity.

"That's all for today. Don't forget your assignments." Snape said as the class ended. I stood up and almost ran out. I caught up with Hermione.

"Hey! Arithmancy?" She asked.
"Yes. Can I join you guys?" I asked.
"Of course." She said.

Hermione was super intelligent. I was very focused on my studies too and having someone like her as a friend would be great I thought.

We would discuss the history of Hogwarts, potions-poisons and antidotes whenever we'd be around. Though Harry and Ron weren't happy to have someone who'd encourage Hermione to play strict teacher on them, we found out we had things in common too- Quidditch. Though I didn't play, O knew everything about Quidditch. And I'd share techniques I'd seen in matches with them whenever I could and they seemed to enjoy that. It took me just about a month to get used to Hogwarts, even though I still missed Beauxbatons.

Quidditch Gryffindor team  selection.

Oliver Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor team and everyone else trying out for the team were at the ground.  I sat down outside the pitch on the ground to watch them.

Harry was the team seeker for the last 2 years. Once the trial started, I realised why. He was the fastest. And he even used a tip I had given him and he put his thumbs up when he did. 
Fred and George were in the team too. They were beaters and just as good. The other person who caught my eyes was Angelina Johnson, the chaser. I thought she was brilliant.
The trials ended and everyone got to the ground.
"Do you only watch?" George asked as they moved closer.
"I pretty much suck at it" I said. "Bad balance." I shrugged.
"Are you scared of heights?" Fred asked.
"Come one then" he said as he pointed at his broom.
He got on it and signalled me to get on too.
I ran up and held him tight as we lifted and zoomed into the air.
I shouted my heart out as we reached a height. It felt so freeing.
"I've never been this high!" I said and laughed.
"Hold on!" He shouted as we zoomed faster.
After a while, we landed on the ground.

I got off the broom and fell on my knees.
"That was awesome!!! Is that how you feel every time you ride!" I asked and laughed.
Everyone laughed.
"Come every practise. We'll give you a ride." George said. "And teach you how to fly too."
"Thanks George!" I said "and thank you!" I said as I high fived Fred.
It was one of my best days in Hogwarts.

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