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"Where are you going, my Dear Valentine?" she asks, standing at the door to the dining hall with a food tray and the Mikaela box. "Our table is back that way!"

"I'm going inside," I reply, walking around her- but she stops me, holding me where my arms just got pulled behind my back.

Her touch feels like acid.

"But I'll be lonely if you ditch me.. and you're my dear Valentine," she sings - but it's not the time, place and I'm not the person.

Don't say it.
Don't say it.

'Go sit with DeMarcus.'

Don't say it.
Don't say it.

"I'm not staying outside." We're right by the door so I become conscious of all the eyes burning mouldy black holes into the back of my head and walk on. Regardless, she pulls me back outside.

You could have resisted.

"Are you.. angry?" she asks, taking a look at my face in the light, livid tear pools starting to boil.

"Leave me alone, Mikaela, please..." I try to push past her but she blocks me. I could easily ram past, but if I force it, I'll probably make her send soup all over that flowery, white dress she has on.

"Roman, no! As your Valentine, I refuse to let you be lonely on Valentine's Day!"

Right, lonely.

"Well, what if I'm not lonely? Did I ever say I was lonely?" I try to keep my voice calm because I'm not trying to make a scene but I just want to shut up because I already sound like my sister about to cry.

"No but, obviously you must be lonely even if you won't say it to someone or even admit it to yourself. It's just up to people like me to... you know, notice and... help you."

"Help me... right. You know what would really help? If you stopped finding reasons to pity me. I'm going inside. Please move."

She steps in my way again, letting someone else come out but not letting me go in.
"Okay, I'm sorry. But I'm just asking as your Valentine for you to sit with me."

Seeing her face is making my heart hurt. Is she so oblivious to the fact that it took everything that I had to try to kiss her? Can't she understand that I'm just trying to get away from the torment of seeing her around?
"Mikaela. I'm going inside, okay? Move."

"This is about DeMarcus, isn't it?"


"It is.."


"I thought you understood. Oh my... you.. you like me for real-"

"I don't."

"Oh... phew! But still, I thought you said we were cool! Were you lying to me?"

Whatever you're thinking, don't.

"You would know," I say.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know." I cross my arms.

"'Sounds to me like you're calling me a liar."



"Well, not to call you a liar but you kind of lied since I met you and totally used me just to get your stupid ex looking at you, which didn't work by the way. P.S I lied: DeMarcus thinks you're an EVIL witch, temptress, call girl, siren— I forgot the gazillion others but after I was actually starting to think that everyone was wrong about you, surprise surprise-"

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