Leaving the Mountian

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Frin awoke early. After dressing herself in her usual armour, with her sword on her hip, she moved about the house. Harriet and both of her parents were still asleep, leaving the halls silent. Outside her front door, the mountain's early risers were moving through the streets. Their quiet movements revealed the early hour.

In the kitchen, Frin hunted for something to eat. Grabbing herself a couple pieces of bread and some leftover fruit preserves, she put together a quick meal. Just as she finished the last slice of bread, the sound of movement caught her attention. The recognizable steps could only belong to her Father.

Frin left the kitchen in pursuit of her Father, wanting a task to take up her day and keep the lingering melancholy at bay. "Father." She called softly once she saw his back moving away from her towards the dining room.

He jumped slightly when she spoke, apparently unaware of her presence. "Frin."

"Sorry." She shrugged. "Is there something I can do for you today?"

"Of course my dear." He approached her, tossing an arm around her shoulders. "Go to the butcher, and Kilin the grocer in the market. I placed orders with them yesterday. See if they're ready. If so, we'll leave this evening."

Frin nodded, pulling herself away from her Father.

"Daughter." He called after her. "I love you." He gave a small reassuring smile.

Unlike her Mother, he wasn't direct when it came to dealing with his emotions or speaking about them. Frin could see it though, the concern written on his face. Even though he'd never said it she knew he would support her. For that she was thankful.

"I love you too." She gave a forced smile in return. "I'll be back in a few hours."

Grabbing her emerald cloak, she left the house. The street had gotten busier, more dwarves were starting their day. Effortlessly, she joined the flowing crowd heading towards the market. As she walked she could feel a hot breeze against her face, coming from the mountain's entrance.

It was odd. Spring was still young leaving the air crisp most days. The warm air revealed the promise of an unseasonably warm day. Perhaps, she would spend some time on the mountainside basking in the warmth before setting out of their journey.

Numb to everything but the warm air, Frin moved with the crowd until she came to the market. It didn't take long to find the butcher and Kilin. When she inquired, she found to her surprise both of her Father's orders were ready. She arranged for everything to be delivered to their home within the hour.

Knowing she would soon be friendless, wandering the wilds once more. She felt herself drawn to the city's wall one last time. After venturing up the steps next to the city gate, she took in the comforting view of the valley.

A heavy hot wind howled through the trees, causing the trees to bend and shake. A storm was blowing in from the North. Frin groaned to herself. It was going to be a wet journey. Continuing to wander the walls, she came across Dova, standing at her usual post. The part of her that wanted to avoid her friends disappeared. Silently, Frin slid next to her and looked out at the valley.

"Come with me." Frin said without looking.

"What?" Dova's question was not one of surprise but confusion.

"You are my only friend too." She glanced at her feet. "Come with me and see the world."

Dova stared at her speechless, mouth hanging slightly. "You're serious." She finally said.


"I...I don't know."

"Talk to your Father." Frin said, patting her shoulder. "We are leaving this evening. Get Balin to cover your post. He'll understand. Either way, I'll meet you at the gate and you can tell me what you wish to do."

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