Henry was met with blank looks. "Please, time is of the essence! Which of you is John Winchester? Obviously, the girl isn't."

"Uh, neither," Sam replied.

"That's impossible. That's absolutely... What did I do wrong?"

Dean narrowed his eyes. "Who the hell are you, mister?"

"Not now. I'm thinking."

Dean pushed Henry against the wall and held him there with an arm to his chest. Henry looked at him with surprise before saying, "Please. I can assure you there's no need for violence. One of you must know John Winchester."

Sam frowned. "I'll tell you what -- when one of us falls out of your closet, then you can ask the questions."

"Yes, my apologies. Is it absolutely essential, sir, that you keep your hands on me?" Dean stepped back and glared as he crossed his arms. "Thank you. Gentlemen, lady, in the absence of any and all other explanations, I'm afraid this has been a marvelous, tragic misunderstanding. I'll be on my way."

"That's not happening," Francesca told him.

"There are things of grave importance. I do not have time to deal with the likes of you."

Dean picked up handcuffs from a bag on the table and Sam grabbed Henry. Dean took hold of Henry's wrist. "You're not going anywhere, 007, till we get some answers."

Dean tried to handcuff Henry to a chair, but in one swift motion, Henry broke away and handcuffed Dean and Sam to the chair.

"How did he do that?" Dean asked. "You got to be kidding me!"

They struggled with their handcuffs. Francesca pulled a bobby pin from her hair.

As Francesca freed the brothers, she glanced outside. "Boys? Carjacking happening. He broke the window, Dee."

Dean rushed outside and cocked his gun, pointing it at Henry through the open window. "Nice taste in wheels."

Sam opened the passenger door and Francesca glared at him. "Yours, I presume?" Henry asked in an annoyed tone.

Back inside the motel room, Henry sat in a chair. Francesca splashed water in his face and he laughed. "And there with the holy water."

"He's clean," Francesca noted.

"I could have told you that," Henry replied, pulling his sleeve down over a cut on his left arm.

"Yeah, well, you can start by telling us everything before I beat it out of you," Dean said.

"I'm quite certain this is all beyond your understanding, my alpha-male-monkey friend. And violence will not help you comprehend this any easier."

Dean pointed his gun at Henry and grabbed the front of his jacket. "Let me tell you what I understand! Some asshat pops out of my closet asking about my dad, smashes up my ride. So why am I not getting violent, again?"

"John Winchester is your father?" Henry asked as there was a loud rattling noise. "What is that?" He got to his feet. "Oh, my God."


"Run!" Henry cried.

The closet door opened in a flash of bright light and Abaddon stepped out.

"Henry." Abaddon laughed. "Silly man, you forgot to lock the door. But then spells never were your best subject, were they? Why don't you be a doll and give me what I want? And I promise to kill you and your friends here quickly."

"You know I can't do that," Henry said.

"You're not a fighter, Henry."

Dean and Francesca raised their guns and Abaddon lifted her arms, sending Dean and Sam flying into the walls. Francesca had ducked back go try to protect herself and the baby. add

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