"What? Mom, you're already trespassing on my privacy." I exclaimed.

"Sorry." Said mom, and then she laughed.

That was a statue-worthy moment for me. I panicked inside but stayed cool outside. Good thing mom didn't think to check on my phone. I would be doomed if mom found out about my browsing history. Well, lesson learned. I have to be responsible. Anyway, I'm genuinely flattered by my parents' truthfulness, and I could say that they truly loved me. It was annoying sometimes, but it was bearable, so I let them be. I kept the watch in my room because I didn't want to use it immediately. I was anxious about keeping a present fresh after the week it was given. Finally, I began eating with my mother, talked shortly about life, and then, of course, I was the one who washed the dishes.

"Mom, I'll go now," I said after cleaning up.

"Alright, then. Love you. Take care."

"I love you too, mom."

I went to the garage, but I cussed when I saw the scratches dilate my eyes quickly as I reached the car door. Covering the damages must be the most of my concern, but my memory failed to jog last night. I admit that letting it be exposed in the garage overnight was careless. My father would be so mad if he knew about it. At least I have to prepare for the worse, I guess. So I got in the car and drove to school. This time, I parked smoothly. Perhaps there weren't many parked cars now — talk about being early.

"Ah! Early again, Mister Archwood." The security guard said.

"Of course," I replied brightly.

Because I was too early for my first class, I decided to hang on to the cafeteria, and I might meet Jane there. She was an early bird more than me. Just as I predicted, Jane was in the far corner of the cafeteria. Jane was on her phone with her face wrinkled in high seriousness. I went to her and gladly greeted her, "Good Morning." She flinched out of surprise and narrowed her eyes at me. I let out a short laugh and then took a seat.

"Hey, don't be mad at me. That wrinkles might stay in your face permanently." I playfully said.

Her face quickly changed to normal, and she sighed deeply. She turned off her cellphone and looked into my eyes — poker face.

"It's about you." Jane plainly said.

"What? What's about me." I confusedly said.

"About your dreams."

Light suddenly flashed in my thoughts. A series of images swirled in my head, and my emotions suddenly changed, making me gasp. Merlin... Bevyn... Adenydd... Tref.... Hardovia. My heart became wild in my chest, and my lungs couldn't breathe properly when I remembered all that had happened in my dreams. I'd been there for two days and had encountered a lot. Even if I was in my own world, Hardovia kept hunting me.

"You've dreamed about it again?" Jane asked — which cut me from swimming in my thoughts.

"Y-yes," I said dolefully.

"Last night, I've been researching your dreams—"

"I never thought you were interested in my story."

"I didn't... at first, but what interested me is how precise your dream was."

Typical Jane. Always curious about something.

"What I told you last... day is not really that precise—"

"I know, but last night... you're in control of it, right?."

"Y-yes. Wow! How did you know?"

"As I've said earlier. I researched about it." Said Jane as she raised her eyebrows.

Dreams of Hardovia and The Green Throne (Part 1)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα