5: A Hidden Sanctuary

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A Hidden Sanctuary

Darkness already covered the sky, but it was different from how Philip saw the night in Hardovia before. The stars went missing as the lumpy clouds completely engulfed them. The slaves teleported safely to an open area on a mountain slope. Adenydd checked the rescuees one by one, and so as his brother. It gave him a breath of relief when everyone was included in the teleportation process. It looked like she knew all the slaves that rested in the building. Adenydd and Bevyn both reverted to their natural state.

"It was not a myth! The hero of slaves is true." A slave from the back said tremulously.

"Apparently, it is the heroes of slaves. Hero with an S," interrupted Bevyn.

"With an E-S," corrected Adenydd.

Philip entered the chat and asked, "So, what now? Where are we going?" All eyes are on him. A thunderbolt struck Adenydd when she noticed a green-eyed man was with them. Blinded by the seriousness of the mission back at the auction, she failed to catch sight of Philip's eyes.

"Your eyes are green!" Adenydd exclaimed.

She stepped ahead near Philip's position and furiously held her hand, clasping it in the air, and a glowing smoke emerged and gradually took the shape of a sword as it came to life. The slaves at the back gasped in unison and stepped back. The tip of a two-edge long blade was on the very neck of Philip. Out of shock, Philip could only chin up, freeze, and gasp for air heavily. Bevyn tried to put his sister's hand down and said, "Adenydd, calm down. He is not a foe." But it didn't put an end to Adenydd's threat to Philip.

"Who are you?" interrogated Adenydd.

"I'm Arthur," professed Philip.

"Adenydd, stop! You are overreacting —"

"Silence, Bevyn."

Adenydd narrowed her eyes at Philip and said, "A lie," while gritting her teeth. Philip gulped, and then Bevyn again grabbed Adenydd's hand and persuaded her that Philip was an ally, but her sister was steady as a rock and cut his words.

Adenydd's ocean blue eyes glowed, and she asked again, calm but fierce.

"Who are you?"

"I told you I'm Arthur."

"The next time you lie. This blade will end your life."

"I told you my name is Arthur."

"I can see lies beyond your eyes."

Philip wiped the sword away, grabbed Adenydd's vacant hand, and placed it in his chest. He then said, "I am Arthur." Adenydd changed from stone to jelly after what Philip just did. Philip's heart throbbed strong enough to let Adenydd's hand feel it while they made eye contact. She could tell Philip was lying in his eyes but not in his heartbeat. Adenydd began questioning her interrogation ability and felt weak as she might have lost her touch.

"The freezing feeling here is nothing compared to the burning heat between you two." Bevyn teasingly interrupted.

Adenydd pulled her hands away and glared at the man in front of her. "Everyone, follow me." Said Adenydd as she turned away from Philip with her lips pouting.

Adenydd led the way, and Bevyn was at the last trail of people with Philip. Suddenly, Adenydd disappeared from everybody's sight, and they all halted. From the back — Bevyn shouted, "No need to worry. Just walk through it." The slaves followed Bevyn's orders, and they proceeded. One by one, they vanished as they passed where Adenydd went. Philip whispered to Bevyn as they stepped forth. "What is happening?" Bevyn answered, "You will see."

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