5} New Beginnings

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a/n Hehe these chapters take so long to make because I have to research. If you notice any of the facts not being true then just comment and I'll change it dw! I've been having lots of writer's block recently so chapters arent coming out as fast as I would like them to. But still please enjoy!

Hinata's POV

Poor Sakura she must feel so bad right now, I cant believe her patient died. She is probably blaming herself. I have to scrub in for surgery soon but I will have to talk with her.

I was trying to find where Dr. Uzumaki was but I gave up after about five minutes. I headed to the scrubs room and that's where I found him.

"Did you hear about what happened to Doctor Uchiha's and Sakura's patient?" I asked while grabbing a soup sponge to wash my hands and lower arms with.

"Yeah that happens sometimes. A patient wont wake up after surgery." He replied with.

"No, not that. Akira died." I said back.

I didn't look at him but I could feel him staring at me surprised. I thought he would've found out already, arent him and Dr. Uchiha friends? Well if did happen only a little while ago.

"I see, well you don't always save as many people as you would like to. What was the interns name?" He asked.

"Sakura, Sakura Haruno." I replied with.

"Do you think Jennifer will make it? She has two kids and a husband that she loves, and they love her as well." I asked knowing the answer would be something along the lines of I don't know

"From her recent scans it looks like the cancer cells aren't reproducing as fast as they were before but there is still no say in what goes on in that O.R. If we can't get all of the cancer then the rest is up to Jennifer, it's her choice if she wants to stop the treatment or continue." He replied with.

I didn't respond, I couldn't even look at him in the eye. Her family doesn't deserve this, why them? They were so happy.

Doctor Uzumaki left the scrub room and was aided by a nurse to get his gloves on, I quickly followed.

"Hinata." I heard Jennifer whisper my name while on the table.

"If I don't make it tell my family I love them one last time." She continued.

That's what she is thinking about right now! Its like she doesnt even want to fight for her family. She was blessed with such a great family. I will not let her die.

"Okay, I will." I reassured.

I what else could I have said? If I said no I would look rude but if I promised her she would live, that could easily become a lie.

"See you after surgery." I smiled.

I could feel doctor Uzumaki staring at me but I just ignored it.

"Okay everyone, lets begin." Dr. Uzumaki said after Jennifer began her anesthetic.

Neji's POV

"Neji your cousin Hinata, her surgery just started. You should go see it." My wife Tenten said.

"She doesn't need the stress I'll talk to her after the surgery." I replied.

"Stupid" I heard her mutter, "Why would it stress her out? I know the deal with your family, but you're different. You have always been there for her, and she knows that. You being there should not stress her out, it should motivate her." She kept on going.

I replied to her speech,"okay, okay I'm going."

"Good, you know what I don't have a surgery today. I'll join you!" She giggled.

Okay Doctor! (sasusaku)Where stories live. Discover now