2} screwed up, literally.

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a/n (whoops... I don't think that i'll be doing so much smut, just some small lemons. that was so embarrassing and hard to write hehe. anyways enjoy the aftermath of last nights mess!)

Sakura's POV

I woke to my alarm clock beeping at 5:00, got up then hopped in the shower. As the warm water flowed down my body, last night's memories resurfaced. How embarrassing. I haven't been laid in years and I ended that streak in a car... a car! I turn off the water and get myself the get dressed. I went downstairs, grabbed some toast and coffee, then ran out to the bus stop. I made it to the bus stop at 5:30 with my bag and coffee and sit down. This isn't the worst hangover I've ever had, therefore all I had to do this morning was pop an ibuprofen and I was all set. I hopped on the bus and took my seat next to some girl with long black hair, and her bag stuffed very messily.

Hinata's POV

I woke up at 5:15 on my messy bed with weeks worth of laundry sitting around me. A few articles of clothing fell on my messy floor. I got up with a loud yawn and head to the bathroom to get showered for the day. I shoved my scrubs in my bag along with some random items I found off my floor. I grabbed my bag, made some coffee then I'm out at the bus stop at 5:25 for the bus to come at 5:30.

I hopped on the bus, sitting by the window seat. I put in earbuds to block out noise. The bus stopped again. A girl with pink hair climbed on. She took a seat next to me. The girl gave a warm smile that I awkwardly returned. At around 6:00 we got to the hospital bus stop and the pink haired girl got up and walked off the bus and I followed behind at a distance. Right before we entered the hospital she finally noticed me.

"Are you also one of the new interns this year?" she asked.

"Yeah I am." I replied, giving her a warm smile.

We both walked inside the hospital and went over to the locker rooms to change into scrubs. I wore light blue scrubs with a dark blue long sleeved shirt underneath. There were many other people in the scrub room with the pink haired girl and I. All dressed in light blue scrubs. A pretty blonde with a light purple long sleeved shirt underneath her scrubs. A man bearing a distinguished bowl cut, another man had spiky hair and obvious glasses. One last man with red hair. Then there was the girl with pink hair, she wore a long sleeved pink shirt underneath her scrubs. Her name tag wrote Sakura Haruno. Hm. Her name matched the hair. I put my name tag on that stated Hinata Hyuga.

"Line up idiots!"

All of the interns' heads turned to see a woman with sandy blonde hair. It was put up in four spiky ponytails, also wearing light blue scrubs. I guessed she was a resident probably, 2nd year but maybe 1st year.

"Ino, Sakura, Hinata, Rock Lee. This way." The man with the bowl cut, the girl with the long ponytail, and Sakura and I followed the sandy-haired women.

Sasuke's POV

I didn't end up sleeping after last night. I tried to but around 2:00AM gave up. My alarm went off at 5:30 but I wasn't on call and my Valve repair was at 8:00. I wasn't needed at the hospital but I still ended up leaving my house at 6:00. In the car all I could think of was the pink haired girl I slept with last night. I drank too much and so did she. Fuck, I don' t even remember if  I got her name last night.

I walked up to the entrance of the hospital to meet up with Naruto.

"Do you think that the new interns will be better than last years?" Naruto asked as he handed me coffee.

"I don't know, I'm not sure anything can be worse then last years." I responded.

Last year, the interns decided that we were not teaching them enough. They took cadavers and started going rogue on them for practice. They all got fired and the chances of them getting accepted into another hospital are slim to none. We split ways, him going to the oncology wing and I go to the cardio wing.

Okay Doctor! (sasusaku)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя