1} just a girl in a bar.

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a/n: (i know i said that sasuke has a stern personality, he is kinda flirty when it comes to sakura... so just keep that in mind)

this story will contain smut! i won't say 18 and up, but this is your warning. other than that, read on! <3


Sasuke's POV

Tomorrow new interns will be coming in. That just means more little shit heads running around the hospital while I'm trying to save lives. I never planned on joining a teaching hospital, but Naruto told me that I'd be the perfect teacher. Due to the fact that I tutored him when we were young. So, him and I took the jobs. It's not that I despise teaching. I've only been an attending for 3 years. Surgeries are easy but when an intern can't even use a scalpel correctly, that's when it gets annoying. I'm a hell of a perfectionist.

I needed a drink, even if it's just the one. I walked over to my liquor cabinet in hopes of finding some whiskey, but the world is truly against me today. I'm all out of whiskey. Whatever. I need a drink. I decided to go out. To get blackout drunk. I grab my coat, hop in the car and I'm on my way to the bar.

Maybe I shouldn't, I do have a valve repair tomorrow in the morning. I thought to myself as I drove to my local bar. I'm not the type to drink until I drop, let alone get drunk, and I most definitely hate hangovers. What the hell. I deserved to get a night to myself after not drinking or having sex for 3 years.

Sakura's POV

             Tonight, I wanted to go out and get drunk. Tomorrow marked my first day of work. I was excited and thought that I deserved a celebration for making it into this surgical program. Seattle Grace was known for being the best. Is probably wasn't the smartest idea, but I hoped to get railed tonight. You'd think you'd have time for sex in med school, but you absolutely don't.

(the picture above is that they are wearing)

I headed out of my apartment, walking down the road into the nearest bar. I took about three shots and was about to order another set until I felt a muscular figure approach me from behind. He sat right next to me as I downed two shots. After about ten minutes and 3 drinks he finally spoke.

"I would think of you as the margarita type, you sure you can stand all of that scotch?"  I just looked at him, shocked because I was too drunk to form words. I'm no drinker and I never had been one. I stared at him for about a minute until he broke eye contact, proceeded to take my shot, chugged it then ordered me water.

"Who are you? What I do is none of your business." I shot back,

"Who am I? I'm just a guy in a bar."

"Well I'm just a girl in a bar. Who wants to drink alcohol, asshole." I ordered another shot, but as soon as it was handed to me he took it, chugging that shot as well.

"Hey I was gonna drink," I paused to hiccup, "that you know!" I slurred.

"You don't need anymore alcohol in your system. Drink your water." he stated coldly. I could see he was amused from his eyes, though.

"Sasuke." He said, eyeing me. His hand was in the air. He clearly wanted to shake hands.

"Sakura." Instead of shaking his hand, I slapped it away. Still amused, he turned back to face the bar and called a bartender over.

I just stared at him blankly as he bought some new castle. After what felt like ten minutes, but probably only a few, he looked at me and blatantly stated that I was drunk. I look at him, confused. I know I'm drunk, dipshit. What does that have to do with you? I thought. He grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the bar, and before I can protest he told me he was taking me home. In a way I was kind of relieved, because I walked to the bar. I didn't have enough money for a car. I'm only an intern, after all.

Okay Doctor! (sasusaku)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon