Chapter 9--Rescue Mission

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WARNING: SWEARING. SLIGHT GORE(don't worry tho, i don't know how to write gore)

* This means 'oh dragon, leave and return home' in greek and it's  just put into google translate so i am SO sorry if i totally got this wrong.

Feedback is VERY greatly appreciated so remember to vote and comment. They make my day.

Before we start, Merlin is a dragon lord in this. I KNOW, that his father is alive but shush.


(Arthur) 3rd Person POV

Arthur stared at the necklace in his hands. After days of try, he finally got to talk to Merlin. Theses past few days were really stressing. First with all the test his father had forced him to endure, then being thrown in the dungeons. He had realised how far his father would take it. He still remembered how he kneeled in-front of his father, no longer his son but as a 'corrupted soul'. He remembered clear as day how his father had watched him being dragged out with disgust and disappointment. How his sentence had laid on his lips and how he spat out like poison:

'You aren't my son. My son would never say such treasonous things'

Arthur thought back to how he stared back with something like betrayal. I mean, this was his father. He was the man the made him do what he did. He was the one trying to impress and how he had discarded him like garbage the second he didn't agree with him. He had sometimes allowed himself to hope that he would come down and tell him that he was released, but that never happened. No matter how hard he tried, he kept thinking how easily he sentenced him to his fate. 

The worst part was that no-one really visited, except for Gaius, who was also on his side. After that however, Uther banned all visits, thinking that they might help him escape. That didn't stop some of his knights. Gwaine had peered into his cell from the barred window. They talked before he was shooed away by the guards. After that, all the knights had visited the same way. He reassured Percival and Elyan. He wished a good life to Lance and Gwen, who was crying. Leon didn't visit but that was only because he was the one assigned to guard his cell door during the day.

And he also got to speak to Merlin one last time. He recalled the day Merlin left Camelot with his family. Something inside him had told him to chase after him, race to the stables and follow them. Instead, he watched as the carriage wobbled away in the distance.

He lifted his head to say the day-breaks rays sneaking in threw his bars. He knew that meant his fate was creeping in closer. It would only be a matter of hours before he would be dragged away to his doom. It was burning, making him just another magic user in the pile of bodies. He leaned his head, making contact with cobble wall that dug into his brain. He closed his eyes, hoping to get a few more hours of sleep.

Sooner than he would have liked, he heard the clanking of keys and cell door unlocking. He opened one eye to see Leon and and Lancelot. The grabbed one arm reached and stared guiding him along the corridors. He noticed how lightly and loosely they were holding him, almost like they were hoping he would try and escape.

"Guys, hold me tighter. I am a criminal and you need to take all precautions," They looked at each other before sighing in defeat and holding him tighter. Before he knew it, he was in the court yard. The was a crowd surrounding the pyre. He had always been on the balcony and karma had finally caught up and he was now the one who was going to die. He noticed familiar faces, like Gwen, who crying into Gaius who was looking at him with pitiful eyes. Even Morgana was at the window, looking at him for the last time. He smiled at her and watched how her eyes filled with tear and how she shut her window in despair.

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