Chapter 10-- Emrys Means Immortal

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**: again, i just put this phrase through google translate and copied+pasted(oh great dagon, I grant you freedom to save us) Again, i am so sorry if i butchered the Greek and im sorry if the text is grey don't know how to change that.


3rd Person POV

Everything seemed a blur to Arthur. One minute he was hold the love of his life and now they're gone. The outside world was just a non-important background. A white noise. He stared down at Merlin's now paler face. His eyes glazed over room, focusing on some unseen thing. Arthur's teary smile dropped, along with the realisation of the situation. Merlin was dead. Gone forever.

Arthur started crying more profusely. He lifted Merlin's head close to his chest and shut his eyes. He sobbed until he was interrupted by a distant voice.

"Did I break the spell? Are you feeling like yourself?" He looked over to his father.


He couldn't be his father. He couldn't be related to such a vile and tyrannical human being. All his life, he ignored the flaws of his father. He was the man he wanted to be proud of him. Why he did what he did. Then he met Merlin. The most pure and beautiful person he ever met. No matter what Arthur did, he would always accept him. No matter what.

And he took him away.

His evil, uncaring ruler. He didn't even care. He didn't care about his son. He didn't care about his citizens. He didn't care about families who lost relatives when slaughtered them all. Because he didn't care.

"Shut up,"

"What? How dare you disrespect your father-,"

"No," Arthur cut him off, "You stopped being my father the second you didn't care about me as your son, but as your successor and public image. You stopped being a relative when you threw me in jail and tried to execute me and you certainly stopped being an acquaintance when you killed the love of my life," Arthur stood up to face him. The king was staring with at him with disbelief.

"Arthur, what are you saying?"

"You took what was most precious to me. So, I will treat you like every scumbag who tried to do the same thing," He held his sword up and settled in a fighting stance.

"Arthur, are you sure this is what you want?" Arthur didn't answer, instead he lunged forward. The king blocked instantly. He pushed Arthur to the side and He stepped to the other. Arthur turned and lunged again with no break. Uther blocked and re-attacked. The kept fighting back and forth. That was until Arthur, in his grieving rage, messed up on and attack which allowed Uther to force the prince to the ground.

The king pointed his sword at the throat of the man on the ground. The stared intensely at each other with rage and hatred.

"I am sorry about this, son," said the king.

"No you're not," replied the prince.

"You're right. My son would never be corrupted by magic," The king raised his sword above his head, holding it with both hands. Arthur closed his eyes in anticipation. When the sword never came down he opened his eyes to see a golden light between him and Uther. What surprised him was that the King was looking to the side with fear and disbelief. He turned his head and saw what he was staring at.

There, in a hunched position, was Merlin. His hand was out stretched to the two of them. There was dried blood on the corner of his mouth and out his nose. There was a huge hole in the middle of his shirt , soaked in blood but there was no trace of a wound present.

"I'm afraid I can't let you kill him,"

"H-How are you still alive!? I KILLED YOU!" Uther yelled in rage.

"Emrys means immortal," Suddenly, Arthur felt himself being pulled towards the warlock. When he was infant of him, he grabbed the side of his face.

"Merlin," he managed to breath out.

"Yes, clot pole,"

"You're alive. I-"

"Real sweet how much you care but can you do that after, when your father isn't trying to kill?" Before Arthur had time to reply, Merlin asked "Do you trust me?" He nodded. He was pulled up and was standing side-by-side with Merlin, holding hands. Merlin pulled his head out and bellowed:

**"O, ypérocho dráko, sas díno tin elefthería na mas sósete"

A wave of energy spread out from Merlin, effectively knocking Uther back.

"Now for the trusting part," Arthur nodded, showing the warlock he was ready, "Jump!" Merlin turned, still hand-in-hand with Arthur, and started running towards the window. The window was open due to the energy wave so the two royals jumped through without breaking it. They now falling to the ground, fast. Before Arthur could scream, the Great Dragon broke through the ground and wall, underneath them. They landed on his back and grabbed onto one of his spikes.

"GO KIGHARRAH! TO RUINID!" The dragon spun a few time, after flying free for the first time in two decade and a half. He eventually stopped and started forward to the magical kingdom, leaving the rubble of Camelot behind.


After a while, Camelot could no longer be seen. They were now flying over thousands of trees. It was at this point where Merlin turned to Arthur and started checking for wounds.

"Are you alright? i hope the fall wasn't that painful-" Arthur cut him off by kissing him. All indescribable emotions and words were said through the kiss.

"Don't ever scare me like that again, okay?" Merlin gaped at him wide eyed. He smiled softly and nodded.

"I promise. Really though, are you hurt?"

"No. I don't think so," They both quietened for a bit before Arthur looked back from the way they were before, to Camelot. Merlin noticed and asked what was wrong.

"I'm never going to be able to go back, aren't I?" Merlin looked confused.

"We destroyed the castle, I was about to be publicly executed for accepting something illegal and loving another man and I left my people with an awful. Plus, I don't think I can face my father ever again," Merlin raised his hand and stroked the worried prince's cheek.

"Arthur, the people love you. You are destined to rule the five kingdoms of Albion and bring peace back to the land. I'm sure, whenever you want to go back, wether in a few months or years, the people will welcome you with open arms," Arthur smiled and laid his head against Merlin's chest.

Arthur shifted his head so he was looking slightly upwards to the other prince. He gulped before mumbling out a small.

"Do you still want to get married," Merlin turned to look at him.


"Well, we were supposed to get married and since you did save me, I thought we could get married like we were supposed to," Merlin grabbed his face and brought their lips together. When the parted, they rested their foreheads together.

"of course I'll marry you, dollop head," Arthur laughed, in what seemed like days and kissed him again. They separated and Merlin laid his head on Arthur's shoulder.

After a while of comfortable silence, Merlin remembered what Arthur had said and grinned slightly

"Yeah, it's true. I saved bachelor in a bind," Arthur shook him off in annoyance and glared at him.

"Shut up," He threatened. Merlin laughed.

"Alright sire, let's head home,"

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