Chapter 2--The First Date

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Hey, so in this and future chapters, when Merlin/Aeryn drink the gender bending potion. Their pronouns will change but names will stay the same and roles will change. So there will be things like 'MERLIN shook HER head' at HER BROTHER(Aeryn). Just wanted to give you guys a heads up. In addition, this is another very long chapter and not proof read so let me know any mistakes. Anyways, happy reading.


3rd Person POV: Aeryn

The first rays of the morning sun shone through Aeryn's curtains. She didn't want to get up as she was still tired from last night. Ever since the Ruinid royals first arrived in Camelot, her brother was acting very strange. She had noticed during feast that he kept shifting his gaze over to her side. At first, she thought he was bored and wanted to talk to someone he knew but she then realised he wasn't looking over at her, he was looking the Prince. So imagine her surprise that later in the night, she woke up to the sound of laughter and there sat her brother an her 'husband' in the gardens at ungodly hours of the night.

Aeryn gave up on sleep after a while of tossing and turning so she got out of bed and started her day. She made her bed and was sure to pick out some clothes for when Merlin he got here. A few minutes later, there was a knock at her door. Was it Merlin or Arthur?

"Aeryn, can you hurry up!" Came her brother's muffled but recognisable voice. She headed to the door and opened it. On the other side was her brother with a two little glass vials and some of his clothes.

"So this'll work then? The potion, I mean?" The younger, female sibling asked.

"Yeah, I got no sleep cooking this up and I got some help from the physician as well," Merlin replied. He did, in fact look terrible. He had dark circles under his eyes that made her brother look more like a vampire along with his pale complexion.

"Yeah, I can notice, we'll have to change something about that. Anyways, her are the clothes for you," She pointed to the clothes laying on her bed.

"Thanks, here are yours," He handed the clothes to here and gave her one of the glass vials,"Well, cheers!" He raised his hand towards the her and chugged the whole thing. She stared at her bro- well sister now in front of her. Merlin started to change from head to bottom. His hair grew to his shoulders, his body began to curve and hips widen. Everything that was mostly boy about Merlin was now completely transformed into femmine ways. There was no way you could tell that Merlin was the opposite gender a few seconds before. Everything had changed. Except for the eye bags, they were still there.

"So? Do I look like you?" He/She asked. Her eyes widen at the sound of her voice, now a higher pitch. She grabbed her throat in surprise "I'll take that as a yes,".

"Ye-yeah," She couldn't believe it. It had worked. It was like looking in a mirror, except now she had blue eyes. "Let's get to work. First of all, we need to fix those eyes,"

"What's wrong with my eyes?"

"Well the fact that you look like a vampire isn't going to make our dear prince stay and your eyes. We'll need to put on contacts, (did contacts even exist back then. Probs not but i don't care)"

"Woah, woah, woah. You can do whatever you like to me, BUT you will never get to put your fingers ANYWHERE NEAR my eyes," Merlin yelled.

"Fine, whatever drama queen, but don't come crying to me when the prince notices our 'plan'"Aeryn said turning around, "Now shut up and wear the dress,".


"Aaaand, done!" Aeryn exclaimed. She/He had just put on some light makeup on her brother/sister. She looked beautiful, like a real lady. She/He put on some light blush, making it seem look the real rosy tint her brother didn't own. Mascara and some nude eyeshadow and she was done. Aeryn had taken his potion and now looked exactly like his sister when he was a boy. You really couldn't tell the difference.

Arranged Marriage {Prince Merlin AU}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora