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3rd Person POV: In Camelot

This was useless. Arthur watched from his window as his father on the steps said goodbye to the king of the neighbouring kingdom. It was adequate that he was also there saying goodbye to the king and his family, but he couldn't show his face after his supposed-to-be-romantic picnic with Princess Kathryn. When you accidentally drop a girl into a freezing river, I doubt she would want to see your face again.

He kept looking forward as his father stepped into his chamber. The wasn't the first time this has happened. This was, however, the last time this will happen. Not because he will surely win the next princess. This will never happen again as there was no again. No next princess. no next time. This was the last  suitor. Arthur could hear his father pacing back and forward. This usually meant he was angry. However, the more princesses the young prince scared away, the more the pacing became more of an anxious man than an annoyed King.

"Sorry," Arthur mumbled, while chewing on his nails. He refused to look his father in the eye. Not because he was rebellious, it was more because he was scared of what would come next.

"SORRY! ARTHUR, THAT WAS THE LAST ONE! YOU RUINED YOUR CHANCE! NOW, WE HAVE NO POSSIBLE WIFE SO NO HEIR! THIS WAS IMPORTANT! A SORRY ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH! NOW WHO WILL PRODUCE AN HEIR? THE PENDRAGON LINE WILL END!" The whole castle, maybe even the kingdom shook. The birds flew out of the trees, all servants headed towards Arthur's chamber turned the opposite direction, the knights stopped practising and prayed that their prince's soul gets to heaven.

Uther was seething. He was seething and stumped. As he said before, Princess Kathryn was the last option. They had run out of Kingdoms with daughters. What will he do? There was no more options.

Except for one...

No he couldn't. He just had to contact any other kingdoms before he could even consider that option.


3rd Person POV: In Ruinid

The sun sat in the sky, observing the kingdom beneath it. The market place was so full of life and happiness. There was no violence, no restrictions. the kingdoms like no other. This was because it was the only Kingdom that was run by a magic user. Not only a magic user, a dragon lord who is the father of one of the only remaining High Priestess and the father of the most powerful warlock to ever walk the Earth. Yes, a kingdom run by a magic user is neighbouring a kingdom that purges magic. The only reason they haven't attacked each other was due to the fact King Balinor used to work for Uther and promised no harm would come to Uther's family and kingdom when he was made king.

But now, the two siblings were in the middle of the forest, running and practising their magic. They were identical in every way, except for the fact that they were the opposite genders. The girl, had midnight black hair that reached her shoulders. She had sharp cheek bones and ears that stuck out a bit. Her brother looked identical. Ebony black hair, high cheek bones. Except for his eyes. While hers were a chocolate brown, his were a vivid blue, the colour of the sky.

The twins reached a meadow. They'd been here many times. They came when they wanted to practise or wanted to take their minds off of problems. At the moment, it's both. There was a prophesy that all magic users know. The prophesy of Emerys(the most powerful warlock in history) and the Once And Future King. Since Merlin was 13, he had been searching for King of Albion, his other half. But after 10 of searching, him and his family decided to stop. It was pointless. However, now that he'd given up, he'd been feeling sad. So this was to distract him.

The princess looked at her brother, giving him look that loosely translated to 'watch this'. She looked ahead and raised her hand. She mumbled in a different language under her breath. Her eyes shone gold and vines grew from the ground, forming a heart.

"Ha, beat that!" bragged Princess Aeryn. She crossed her arms and smirked to her brother who was standing beside her. He slowly turned his head to look at his sister who was still looking smugly him. Merlin simply looked at the vines and his eyes glowed a brilliant gold. The vines seemed to have a life of its own. They broke off their roots/stems and morphed into a dragon. It flew into the sky, circling and whirling above the trees before it burst into flames.

Aeryn looked up in awe, her eyes wide in amazement. Merlin shifted his gaze back to his sister at the same time as she looked to met his gaze.

"Aeryn, I'm LITERALLY the most powerful warlock on the planet. Yet, you keep challenging me to a magic competition,"Merlin said with confusion laced in his voice.

"Yeah, well..." Replied his sister, searching in for a come back,"At least I don't make dragons out of everything every time I use magic. No, seriously, what is it with you and dragons!?"

"I don't know. I've kinda always had a weird connection with them,"Merlin shrugged in response,"Maybe it's because our father is a DRAGON lord," Emphasising the word 'dragon'.

"Fine, whatever. Let's head back to the castle,"Aeryn turned around, her back facing Merlin,"Last one there is a Pendragon!" She shouted backwards to her brother. Merlin stood up and ran towards his kingdom. Who knew what the twins were about to discover

Aeryn and Merlin walked into their castle's citadel. They were enjoying a quiet conversation, filled with playful banter. They walked closer to the gates when a guard came running up.

"Your Majesties, your father wishes for your presence," The guard panted out. The two siblings looked at each other with confusion and headed towards the throne room. When they entered the throne room, they're father's back was facing them.

"Father? You wanted to see us? Is every thing alright?"Aeryn questioned, moving further into the room.

"Yes, I've got some news and I want you to wait until I finish speaking and then ask questions,"The twins looked at each other and nodded,"I received a letter wishing for Aeryn's hand in marriage," Aeryn opened her mouth in shock.

"WHAT! NO! There's no way! Who is it?" The princess shouted at the king.

"Aeryn, please come down. There is more shocking news. The kingdom who sent this letter is...


...and I've accepted"

Arranged Marriage {Prince Merlin AU}Where stories live. Discover now