Chapter 1: Don't Underestimate Me

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I have always been a very quiet kid, nobody truly understood me. But I also knew how to stand up for myself if needed. And I believe that has a lot to do with my past.

I thought as I was walking to the Great Hall for dinner.  Somebody tripped me making me lose my books and fall on my knees.

"Guys look at her, she's such a freak." They yelled at me, "well of course she is she's a fuckin Y/H/N."

I ignored them and slowly picked up my books. "What the hell do you think your doing?" One of them said while kicking my side. Sending me back down to the ground.

"Oh look at her in pain." Another said as they spit in my lap, I was now sitting on my ass, trying to choke down the sounds of my tears. "What do you think we should do to her?" One of them asked, to what I assume to be the leader of the group.

"Pick her up." The only girl of the group stood up and walked over to me and grabbed my hair harshly. I let out a high pitched scream, from the sudden feeling of having someone yank my H/C locks out of my head.

"Oh shut the hell up." She harshly yelled at me slamming my head into the concrete panel behind me. Causing a headache to form instantaneously.

"Why are you doing this?" I questioned in-between slight sobs. "Should we tell her." One said with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Were doing this pumpkin because-well because we got nothing better to do. I mean, your already a worthless piece of shit. What else could happen, huh?". The leader said with a light chuckle.

I hated how he used the word pumpkin, nobody had a right to call me pumpkin. Especially a piece of shit like him. I thought to myself, suddenly getting pissed.

"Not going to answer, shouldn't have expected any less of you." The girl said. Then proceeded to spit on my face.

I looked up to the group of kids, as the girl walked up to me. I swiftly got up off the ground grabbing the girls throat, and slamming her body into the concrete panel behind me.

The boys came up behind me quickly, trying too grab me before I turned around replacing my hand to a choke hold, facing towards the rest of the group.

"Firstly don't ever touch me again, understood! Secondly step one bit closer and I swear to God I will beat her so hard she won't remember who she is!"

"I may be a piece of shit, my life may suck, but that's my problem not yours. And last I checked you weren't in my problem!"

"Look we'll leave you alone just let me go! I promise I won't do anything, I'll leave you alone! We'll all leave you alone."

I looked towards the rest of the group, all of them shaking there head in agreement.

I slowly released my arm from her neck, but before I had time to fully release she grabbed my elbow and spinned me around, shoving me to the ground. She hit me in the face, before I grabbed her hair and pulled her body to the ground and landing on top of her hitting her back, she grabbed my hair and scratched me as I grabbed her head and hit it into the concrete. "You bitch! You can't even fucking fight! I screamed as she continued to scratch.

"Guys run!" Before I had time to see what was happening I felt somebody pull me off the girl."

Author's Note:
I hope you guys like this chapter now much better I think it's better then the other. I'm sorry it's still short though. 😂

Hope you have a great day and remember drink water. ☺️

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