Pep Talk

25 0 4

Hanakos pov

I woke up once again feeling like crap. I'm still trapped in this awful place with everyone else and I don't know how to escape it. It's eating me up inside!

I walked out of my room feeling confused. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and accidentally bumped into konaki.

"hanako are you ok?" he asked worriedly. Gracie and hinata were also there but they didn't say anything. Hinata still looked shaken up from yesterday.

"yeah sorry I should have been paying attention."

"is there something on your mind? You can talk to us about it if you want" gracie said kindly. I looked at them all and decided I could trust them.

"well this killing game is just eating me up inside. I'm worried I'll never get out"

"we all feel that way hanako but I know that if we hold on to hope we'll definitely find a way out" gracie said determinedly. The others nodded in agreement.

I smiled greatfully at them "thanks guys I needed the talk"

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