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Kokichis pov (aged ten)

"your so cool big bro!" I giggled.

I always admired my big bro. How could I not!? When everyone turned their backs on the ishimaru family he didn't sit around and cry about it. He got up and worked hard to gain his familys respect back. He even said that he'd become president of Japan so he could make up for his grandfather's mistakes. Well he hasn't managed to become president just yet but he has been accepted into hopes peak academy!

"thanks kokichi" he said hugging me "I'm so happy right now!"

"as you should be" dad said ruffling his hair "I'm so proud of you son"

"thanks dad. Your words mean more to me than any acceptance letter" he said tearfully.

Dad pulled me and taka in for a hug "my boys. I don't know how I would have gotten through this without you two"

His words were so sincere that we all ended up in tears. We both hugged our dad back happily.

Man I love my family.

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