My Son

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Takas pov

I woke up to the sound of crying. It was Kiyo of course. I got up and scooped Kiyo into my arms before he woke the others up.

He immediately stopped crying and giggled in my arms.

"you really just woke me up for attention huh?" I sighed.

I took him back to bed with me and lay him on my chest. He relaxed and nuzzled into my chest, listening to my heartbeat.

This reminds me of when me, Leon, chihiro and mondo adopted our babies together. I'm the only one out of my friends who is still alive so takemichi is taking care of mondos baby dalya, komarus taking care of chihiros baby oda and konans taking care of Leon's baby legoshi.

It makes me sad that my friends are no longer around but like alter Ego said I need to live my life for their sake. It's the least I can do.

I looked down to see Kiyo had fallen fast asleep. I smiled to myself and put him back in his cot.

"goodnight baby boy" I whispered before heading back to bed.

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