A Motive To Kill

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Aikos pov


We looked over to see a black and white bear grinning at us. He said something about us being in a killing game but that can't be right!

"so you kidnapped us and now you can't even show us your face!" I was shaking with anger. Aika held me back which was probably a good thing since I would have totally beat the crap out of that smug bear if she didn't.

"of course not! I want you to find out my identity later" the bear said.

"bullshit! Your just a cowered!"

"Aiko please!" akia pleaded.

"haha I like your spunk kid! The bear laughed "I'm Monokuma. Your headmaster and the one in charge of the killing game!"

Everyone gasped.

"this can't be real!" Rita sobbed.

"oh but it is and it's not all bad. In fact if you kill someone in the next two days I'll let you pick a survivor of your choice to escape with you doesn't that sound great!"

We didn't answer. The whole situation was terrifying but what was most terrifying was that I was actually considering it.

Time skip

We had been here a whole day. I came up with the idea that we should have breakfast meetings but not everyone came. I guess some people are parrinoid of others nothing I can do about that. Next I noticed that the place was a mess so I appointed myself to cleaning duty. Once everyone showed up we searched the school from top to bottom but found nothing. I was now walking to my room feeling dejected. I saw Aika standing by my dormitory door.

"our situation seems pretty hopeless doesn't it sis? I'm going to be honest I'm really scared" I sighed

Aikos big sister instincts must have kicked in cause she immediately pulled me into a hug "hey its gonna be alright Aiko I promise"

I smiled in relief  "thanks aika you always know what to say."

"no problem little sister" she said kissing me gently on the head.

"gross" I giggled.

"I'll show you gross" she takled me to the ground and tickled me. I giggled and begged her to stop. Eventually she took pity on me and stopped. The two of us lay on the floor giggling.

"hey sis?" I asked


"we're going to get out of here no matter what right?"

"of course!" she stared me firmly in the eyes "No matter what"

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