Setting This Motive Off With A Bang

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Aikos pov

Monokuma called up in for another Motive. I'm getting pretty sick of this shit! Maybe I will punch him this time.

"alright you plushie looking basturd! What the hell do you-"

I was cut off by the doors slamming behind me. I tried to open them but to no avail.

"alright here's the next motive! If there isn't a dead body in the next two minutes this bomb will go off and kill you all!" I turned around to see a huge fricking bomb on the table!

"good luck!" with that he disappeared. Goddamm bear!

"hey detonating bombs is your specialty right?" Yuuya asked karu "then you better get to work!"

"will do" she got in and got started with the bomb.

"hey! This is a-" before she could finish her sentence and a bright light binding me and smoke filled the room. I heard the clicking of a camera and then silence.

Everyone was panicking and rita was trying desperately to calm them down.

"calm down everyone in sure it's... Ahhh!"

Once the smoke cleared we saw it. It was burnt up but the goggles were unmistakable. It was the dead body of karu dinamite.

I stared at the body in shock. I couldn't register what I was seeing. Just a minute ago karu was alive and well and now she's dead. Killed by a bomb she was trying to save us from.

"Well we better start the investigation" rita said shakenly. I nodded and inspected the body.

It was all brunt up just like I expected it to be but there was something odd about the body. There was a stab wound round where her heart should be but why was she stabbed if a bomb killed her!?


I became suspicious of the bomb so I checked it out and sure enough it was completely fake!


I started to wonder how the killer faked the bomb going off so I looked around a bit and found something very interesting. Flash granades. That would explain the blinding light.


but how did they manage to light the body on fire? I wonder as a strong smell hit my nostrils. Why dose it smell like gasoline?

"aiko I found something" hitori ran up to me with a red container "I figured that since your good with this stuff I should let you see it" he sniffed "it also smells funny"

"hand it over!" he happily handed it to me and I sniffed it. Gasoline! Of course! The killer poured gasoline on the body, lit it on fire and put it out before the flash grenades wore off. This murder was surprisingly well thought out.


there's still the problem of how the loud bang was created. It couldn't have been the fire so what?

"hey aiko I found some weird shit" Yuuya came up to me with grenades but they weren't flash grenades they were... Sound grenades of course!

"thanks Yuuya this will help out alot!"

"no problem happy to be of help!"


the next person to come up to me was mystery girl? Funny she doesn't talk that much.

"hey aiko. I'm sorry to say that I had a feeling that a murder would take place so I snapped some pictures right before the bomb went off in an attempt to catch the killer."

"that's pretty clever"

"I don't know if I succeeded. Maybe you can desiver something out of this?"

"alright hand them over"

She handed me the pictures. The first one was a picture of karu trying to detonate the bomb, The second picture was the same except Alice had moved next to karu and the third one was just white. Must have been when the flash grenades went off. It's hard to make out anything but I should definitely keep this as evidence.


Rita patted my shoulder. "the announcement went off. We need to go to the trail room"

I grinned at her "alright let's do this shit"


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