Startled, he released the handles and the wheelbarrow toppled over, spilling its contents on the floor with a loud crash. Jay jumped.

Cole held up his hands and stared at them. Still they glowed, and he could feel a familiar surge of energy pulsing from his flesh.

This wasn't the first time his strange ability had made a random comeback. The last time had been when he'd served tea to Master Wu. The power surge had caused him to crush the teapot between his hands and spill hot tea everywhere.

The time before that, however, when he'd deliberately summoned this power...

You're like me! You're just like me.

I'm nothing like you.

He shuddered.

"Uh, speaking of which..." Jay's voice chased away the memories. Cole felt glad for the interruption. "You're still not used to having your old, non-ghost hands back?"

It's OK. I'm OK.

Repeating the words to himself, Cole bent down to grab the fallen items. "I'm working on it."

Shrugging, Jay hefted a large crate of junk and headed out the door. Cole followed, pushing the now-upright wheelbarrow into the adjoining room, where the rest of their friends were working. Yet the appearance of his new power brought his mind back to things—some things he wanted to forget, others he would treasure forever.

Pushing the wheelbarrow, he heaved a long sigh. His eyes roved back over his arms, but the glow had vanished already.

Somehow, a little smile found its way onto his face. I'll figure you out one day. I'll learn how to use this power. And every time I use it, I'll remember Eagle Talon, and Liana, and everyone else. And maybe one day, it won't hurt to remember anymore.

Whatever happened next, Cole would be ready. Whatever destiny gave and took away from him next, he would bear it with all the strength he had. He would do it for his friends, his family, and for Ninjago itself—because that is what ninja do.

In the end, that is all anyone can do.

* * *

"We were tight knit boys

Brothers in more than name

You would kill for me

And knew that I'd do the same

And it cut me sharp

Hearing you'd gone away

But everything goes away

Yeah everything goes away

But I'm going to be here until I'm nothing

But bones in the ground

And I was there, when you grew restless

Left in the dead of night

And I was there, when three months later

You were standing in the door all beat and tired

And I stepped aside

Everything goes away

Yeah everything goes away

But I'm gonna be here until I'm nothing

But bones in the ground

So quiet down

We were opposites at birth

I was steady as a hammer

No one worried cause they knew just where I'd be

And they said you were the crooked kind

And that you'd never have no worth

But you were always gold to me

And back when we were kids

We swore we knew the future

And our words would take us half way 'round the world

But I never left this town

And you never saw New York

And we ain't ever cross the sea

But I am fine with where I am now

This home is home, and all that I need

But for you, this place is shame

But you can blame me when there's no one left to blame

Oh I don't mind

All my life

I've never known where you've been

There were holes in you

The kind that I could not mend

And I heard you say

Right when you left that day

'Does everything go away'?

Yeah, everything goes away.

But I'm going to be here till forever

So just call when you're around."

✯ ☾ ✯

End of Ninjago: Roots of Earth

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