Chapter 42: Getting In

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The next morning, Wu and Matilda insisted the youths go out to do some shopping for disguises—even Eagle Talon, who had protested at first, before Matilda finally persuaded him that dressing up in human clothes along with the ninja was the only way to rescue Little Leaf. Talon groaned and grumbled about it, especially about actually having to go into Ninjago City to the mall with the ninja and pick out his own clothes. He didn't see why he had to change his choice of wear, and for once the other boys agreed with him.

"We've already got stuff to wear to parties," Cole had proclaimed stubbornly. "Why do we have to go out and buy new clothes?"

"Merlin's beard, you're going in disguise, for heaven's sake!" Matilda had snapped back impatiently. "You aren't very well going to go into that den of lions wearing your custom-made tuxedo, now, are you? You're pretending to be Dog Bone's guests—esteemed crime lords—not grubby high schoolers at the prom!"

"So, what exactly is the look we're going for here?" Nya had questioned.

"Go for sordid gangsters pretending they're going to a royal ball but they're not really taking it seriously because they're just in it for the snacks," Matilda had huffed.

"That... sounds... good?" Nya had said.

Thus Cole, Nya, Zane, Lloyd, Liana, and Eagle Talon found themselves is the local mall in search of half-decent disguises. The boys—especially Eagle Talon, who found himself completely overwhelmed by the strange environment, loud noises, and odd smells—went about the task sluggishly, rummaging half-heartedly through the rows and hangers for something to pass off, in Matilda's term, as "sordid gangsters pretending they're going to a royal ball but they're not really taking it seriously because they're just in it for the snacks".

Nya and Liana, on the other hand, immediately split up from the group and darted amongst the women's section, sharing discreet whispers and girlish titters every once in a while.

Liana had never liked shopping for clothes very much. After the accident that left her permanently blind, picking out new toys, dresses, school supplies and such became a very difficult and uncomfortable experience. She couldn't see the latest "Bobby Builders" sets Philip loved to play with or her "Mia And Me" dolls. She couldn't see the clothes she was wearing or wanted to wear, and she couldn't see which binders had cute puppies on the cover or the colors of her crayons.

Thus her family found themselves with the task of picking them out for her. Liana acted like she didn't mind not being able to see her toys and books, but inside it hurt that she would never be able to see the lovely colors of her mother's dresses or her own dolls' smiling faces. She learned to identify everything by touch, and eventually the memory of sight faded away into the constant nothingness she lived with today.

Her mother was the one who took her shopping for clothes. Liana still remembered one of the first times the two of them had gone to the village shop after the accident: her sixth birthday had been near at the time, and her mother had wanted her to wear a new dress for her party. She remembered the buzzing chatter of the fellow customers surrounding her, and the clip-clop of their shoes. She had felt very small in the enormous space filled with loud people, and had clung to the warm, comforting hand of her mother as she was led down the hallways and aisles.

"Feel the ruffles of this skirt, Liana. Do you like them?" Her mother had handed her young daughter one of the dresses on the rack.

Liana had run her chubby little fingers up and down the soft, thin material. Lines of cloth stood up from the skirt, and she felt somewhat puffy ruffles at the arm holes. The little gown felt comforting and elegant, and the child hugged it to her chest. "I like it, Mommy."

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