Chapter 12: Whisker's Revelation

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"Any luck?" Sensei Wu stepped up next to Zane and Nya beside the computer screens.

"Nothing. There is no sign of Lloyd, nor of the cat-creatures in Ninjago City. They seemed to have vanished." Zane looked worried.

What was left of the ninja team gathered in the main area in Nya's hideout: the Samurai X Cave. Platforms equipped with computers, driveways, and numerous vehicles stood in the cold, dim light of the cave. Hundreds of feet below the platform everything was situation upon, the floor disappeared into darkness. Everyone stood on the main platform: Wu, Nya, Zane, Cole, Jay, and Liana. The shadows of the massive cavern were lit only by the light from the driveway and computers from the large center area.

Zane and Nya were working together on the computer to search for information; Zane was touch with his falcon to find Lloyd while Nya checked public reports, news media, and city security cameras for any sign of the huge, lion-like creatures. She had discovered some footage from the Lullaby Hotel and nearby streets depicting the monsters scattering the crowds, but not going after anyone. Eventually gathered together in an alleyway before splitting up in all directions. Though she tried furiously to find more clues and evidence, Nya could not catch anymore than that.

At least they weren't attacking the innocent bystanders or breaking into more buildings. It looked as if their target had been the ninja alone. So... what had they gained from the attack? Were they looking for something, or someone? Did they want to contact the humans? Did they get what they wanted? Was that why they had suddenly disappeared? What in all of Ninjago did they want?

Nya stared at the computer screen intently and muttered under her breath. "So many questions, so few answers..."

"What did you say, Nya?"

"Ah!" She jumped and whirled around to see Jay standing behind her. "Nothing." She chuckled uneasily. "You were so quiet, I didn't hear you coming."

"Guess I've got a light tread." He shrugged casually.

Sensei Wu cleared his throat and let his gaze drift over the group. "I suggest we rest for a few hours, seeing that none of us here got very much sleep last night." Nya opened her mouth to protest, but he interjected. "You've been working hard all morning, and I think it is about time we tend to each other's wounds and try to catch up on some rest." He glanced significantly at Cole. "Some of us need it more than others."

It was easy to see what he meant by that. Cole's shirt was virtually ripped to shreds and there were many long, dark scratches showing through. There was a tired, haunted look to his eyes, but he covered it with a fierce scowl, trying to hide his pain from the others.

That's not to say everyone else looked much better. Claw scratches showed through the blanket of soot on Zane and Wu, while Jay's shirt was ripped at the shoulder. Nya and Liana were the ones who got off the easiest. Everyone else was in poor shape.

"Cole, you need those scratches to be tended to." Wu said firmly. His tone invited no argument. "Misako, would you mind helping him—?"

He cut himself, suddenly looking lost. He blinked, then tried to regain his composure, though a bit awkwardly. "Er— I'm sorry— Nya, would you mind helping Cole?"

Nya glanced at the computer screen, then sighed. "Yes, Sensei."

"I can take care of myself!" Cole protested.

"Right, and you can reach the scratches on your back, I'm sure. Plus, you don't know where I keep my first aid kit. Just come on." She started to lead the way down a corridor, then stopped. "You should come too, Liana. I have some old clothes that you can wear instead of your night robe."

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