Chapter 10: Fleeing the Felines and Spilling the Beans

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Liana looked to be on the verge of panic. "Quick, hide!" Groping for Zane's arm, she grabbed him and shoved him into a closet. Meanwhile Cole and Jay crawled hastily under the bed. Jay grunted in pain, and Cole shushed him.

Cole wondered if Liana shared this bedroom with one of her cousins. Clothes were scattered haphazardly on one side of the room, including under the bed. The bottom of the mattress pressed down on his back as he struggled to get into a halfway-comfortable position. His boots scraped against the wall and knocked over a small stack of books.

Jay flashed him a dirty look. "Shh!"

"You 'shh'!" Cole snapped. Something soft and plushy was clinging to his hand. He glanced down and felt his face burn. Hastily he flicked the lacy bra out of his face.

The bedroom door squeaked open. Cole froze and felt Jay's fingers dig into his arm. Light from the hall flooded in. Cole realized his other hand was sticking out and he yanked it under himself.

"Hey, uhh... you good? I thought I heard you yelling."

Cautiously, Cole peeked out from under the bed. A pair of pink, fluffy slippers had appeared, and they approached a pair of bare feet.

Liana's voice sounded stiff. "Oh? I— I'm good, Rosie. I just... stubbed my toe."

Cole recalled that Rosie was the cousin whom Liana was good friends with. Holding his breath, he listened as Rosie said uncertainly, "Are you sure? You— you've been a little out of sorts lately."

"What?" Liana's words sounded slow and careful. "What makes you say that?"

Cole couldn't see Rosie's face, but he saw the tip of a long, dark braid hanging down below her waist. She spoke quietly. "I know you've been having nightmares again."

He sensed Liana stiffen with tension. "What?"

"I'm sorry, it's just... Last night. You were restless and kept mumbling." She hesitated. "Do you dream about Philip?"

Liana shifted on her feet. "Uhh... now really isn't best time to—"

"Is there something you want to talk about?"

"No. I'm fine."

Her cousin sounded skeptical. "I'm not so sure about that."

"Well, I am."


Impatiently Cole thought, Come on, Rosie, she's fine. Go away already! He and Jay shared an uncomfortable look.

Rosie's voice was soft now, as if she wasn't sure what to do next. "OK. If— if you're sure." The pink slippers stepped to the hallway, and the door began to close. "I'm here if you ever want to talk to me." Then the door shut, and the room was cast in shadow again.

Liana sighed. "You can come out now."

Zane stepped out of the closet, accidentally knocking over a couple of wire hangers. Cole and Jay scooted out from under the bed like wriggling worms. Liana stood over them with her arms crossed. "Explanation. Now."

Cole stood up with a sigh. "Liana, meet Zane, Master of Ice." He slapped his friend's metallic shoulder before turning to Jay. "And this is Jay, Master of Stupidity."

"Zane, Jay," He gestured to Liana. "This is Liana... my friend."

Zane looked bewildered. "A friend of yours? From when?"

Before Cole could reply, Jay interjected. "Wait. Did I hear you mention Philip?"

Zane said, "Who?"

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