Chapter 64: Ronin's Memory, Eagle Talon's Worry, and Liana's Night

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"You're out of your freaking mind," was the first thing Liana said.

"Am I?" Matilda challenged, eyes flashing. "I suspect this isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened. I'm sure, with enough reflection, you could recall many times in your childhood when strange things have happened around you. Even without your memories, we could look at the way you get around. Even for someone who's been blind their entire life, your senses are unusually acute."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Cole gesticulated wildly, glancing back and forth between Liana's shocked expression and Matilda's vehement face. "You're talking crazy, Matilda! Crazier than usual, I mean."

"Yeah," Lloyd added. "How could Liana be an Elemental Master? Wouldn't that kind of power would have been obvious long before now?"

"Some Masters take longer than others to discover the power they wield," Wu rejoined. "For some, their elements take a little more time to develop. Nya is a perfect example of this."

"Yeah," Nya agreed. "It took years for us to realize I was the Water Ninja, long after the boys found their powers. If I thought I was— you know— um... 'normal' for that long, why shouldn't Liana's power become fully developed now?"

"But— but—!" Cole sputtered. "Then— what kind of element is she? All the others are taken!"

"Well, I guess there's air," Jay offered.

"That counts as wind, and Morro had that power, doofus," Cole retorted.

"Well, OK, how 'bout hot air?"

"If anyone here has the power of hot air, it's you—!"

"Oh, for crying out loud!" Liana burst. "I'm not an Elemental Master, and even if I were, I don't think my element would be air—hot or otherwise."

"What do you think it is, then?" Zane ventured.

"How should I know?!" she snapped. "Until twenty seconds ago, I was a normal person!"

"Yeah, speaking of which," Jay interrupted, eyeing Liana curiously. "I don't know if the evil fur balls brain-washed me or something, but I don't remember meeting you."

"What?" Cole exclaimed. "But you—"

"That was not Jay the night you introduced us to Liana, Cole," Zane explained. "If you recall, that was Eagle Talon in disguise. It was only the next day or so when we discovered—"

"OK, sorry, I forgot," Cole interrupted impatiently. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah... all right, Jay, this is Liana. She—"

It was at that moment the sound of someone knocking on the door interrupted the group. Everyone whirled around to see a young nurse leaning across the threshold.

"I— I'm sorry," she stammered, blushing. "Didn't mean to disturb—"

"What's the matter?" Lloyd asked.

"Your friend Mr. Ronin is waking up."

"Really?" Nya exclaimed. "That's great!"

"Yes, except..." The nurse bit her lip. "When we addressed him by his name, he said he didn't know who we were talking about."

* * *

It was Matilda, Lloyd, Nya, and Cole who decided to go see Ronin while Wu, Zane, and Liana stayed with Jay. They followed the nurse down the hall and into a neighboring apartment, similar to Jay's. Sitting up in bed, with his long, shaggy brown hair falling listlessly around his pale, drawn face and his one eye blinking blearily, was Ronin.

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