Chapter 79: The Offspring of Brookstone

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"Hurry," Cole pressed.

"Hey, it's not always easy, not being able to see," Liana snapped. Behind him, she grasped blindly at the rungs of the rusty ladder they were climbing. "You try climbing up a two-story building with your eyes closed and see how fast you want to go."

The friends clambered atop a building that gave them a sweeping view of the entire village. Cole pulled himself up the ladder and balanced delicately on the tiles of the sloping roof, then crouched to help Liana up.

"Why are we doing this again?" she grumbled. She didn't like feeling helpless, and struggling up a ladder onto a rooftop like a clumsy newborn colt definitely made her feel helpless.

Cole gripped her hand as she stood up. "It'll be faster this way." They clambered up to the very top of the roof, where they could stand on the main beam without much trouble. He scanned the town. To his right, he could see smoke billowing from where the second attack party had struck. He hoped Lloyd, Jay, and Nya had been able to sort it out. The entrance to the village was far behind them.

Cole looked ahead, where the back entrance led out to the farmers' fields. In the distance, he could catch sight of people fleeing through the streets.

"OK." Liana shivered and inhaled slowly. "How far do I have to jump?"


"Aren't we jumping from roof to roof?"

Cole felt himself grin slightly. "I thought Airjitzu would be easier."

Liana blinked. "But— I don't know Airjitzu."

"I know. I'll carry you over."

She scowled. "Like I'm a sack of potatoes, great. Are you sure it wouldn't be easier to just run?"


She sighed. There wasn't any time to argue. They had to get to the south entrance as soon as possible, in case there was a Moon Tribe attack party striking there. She held up her hands in a gesture of defeat. "Whatever."

"Grab on."

Hesitantly, she wrapped her arms around Cole's neck while he scooped her up into his arms. Despite the circumstances, he found himself blushing. It felt nice and weird at the same time.

He shook his head and tried to gather his thoughts. "Ready?"

Liana nodded, lips tight. "Ready as I'll ever be."

He took a breath, then jumped. A burst of wind came from seemingly nowhere and thrust them up and over the gap between the two houses. Airjitzu was easier when done with free hands, thus Cole found controlling the whirling wind carrying them to be a little more difficult.

Still, he managed it. He landed on the neighboring roof with a dull thud. He teetered for a moment, and for a terrifying second he thought they were going to fall.

Then, he shifted his weight back, and his feet were in tune with gravity once more.

Liana gripped him tightly. She did not like the sensation of flying up and falling with those ugly thuds. It made her feel sick to her stomach.

"You OK?" He winced at the prick of her fingernails digging into his skin.

"Fine," she muttered through gritted teeth. "Just dandy. Please just keep going."

Cole steadied himself, then leapt again. The journey was fast, and when he finally dropped down to the ground, she slid out of his arms with a relieved gasp.

He couldn't help but tease. "Aw, come on, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

She hugged her stomach. "You're right. It wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. It was worse."

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