I wrapped my arms around him, shushing him. I shouldn't be shushing him, he probably has the right to cry. But it hurts to see him cry. He pulled away, wiping his tears. "I'm sorry." He hung his head. "I'm so sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You don't have to apologize," I whispered, rubbing his back. We sat in silence for awhile. He was calming down, while I was still rubbing his back. What got him so emotional? "What did you mean by you can't go through with it anymore? Are you going back to Australia?"

He shook his head. "I just can't take the secrets, the lies anymore. I just want him to be honest or at least tell me what's going on."

I nodded. "Go get some rest, I'll be up after dinner."

"You said you won't leave me," he snapped.

"I'm just going to talk to them, I'm not leaving you." I laughed.

"Come up right when they leave." He demanded more than asked.

"I'll be here." I got up and moved his covers for him to get into. He took off his shirt and handed it to me to set on the nightstand.

"I'll sleep when you come up," he said before getting under the covers.

I nodded, understanding where he's coming from. I went downstairs, walking in on Ashton clearing the table.

"Lola," Anne chirped.

"How's Luke?" Mr. Hemmings asked. Even though I've been staying here for a week, I'm still not use to calling him Andrew.

"He's fine, going to bed soon." I shrugged. Anne patted the seat next to her. I smiled and took the seat. Ash appeared next to me with a smile. He has a plan whirling through his head, I know it. I know Ashton and when he smiles at me like that, something's up. "What?"

"I was wondering . . . " Anne lingered as she place her hand on mine.

"About?" I raised a brow.

"I need a maid of honor. I know I should be asking Lauren this, but I really want you to be my maid of honor." She smiled.

"Why me?"

"Since we moved here, you've changed our lives. Good and bad. The kids love you. You should me that I should keep going for what I want." She put her hand on Mr. Hemmings and smiled at him. "And you got Ashton out of his slump, even though he was the reason for it." She said the last part through her teeth.

"I was thirteen!" He defended himself.

I laughed while Ashton argued with her. Anne is the mother I never had. My mom isn't the ideal mother to me. Anne actually helps me, supports me and doesn't call a psychiatrist.

"I'll think about it," I said, cutting the two off.

Anne looked at me and smiled. "I'm not pressuring you, just let me know your decision."

"Also . . . " Mr. Hemmings drew out. "Since we're about to move into Anne's place, we were hoping you'd come to stay with us too."

"But you guys don't have any room," I said remembering that they each have their own rooms.

"Harry and Lauren agreed on sharing one room since Luke will be moving in. Since you sleep with Luke, we figured, you two can share." Anne shrugged.

"And if you two fight, you can come stay in my room," Ashton said, wriggling his brow.

"My sister found a place for me to stay at-"

"Lola, just say yes!" Harry and Lauren yelled.

I nodded, then slapped Ash. He cried in pain while I sat back and watched him rub his arm. "What was that for?" He asked.

"That's why you asked me to stay with you?" I scowled at him.

"What? It would've saved a lot of time."

Anne got up and slapped the back of his head. He cried in pain while Anne scowled at him. "You offered her to stay with us already?" She yelled at him.

"She was going to live on her own. I wasn't going to risk her getting hurt," he argued. "Now, can everyone stop hitting me?"

They argued for awhile, then went home soon after. I finally got the story on how Luke's dad can move on so fast from his mom. Anne and him were high school sweat hearts apparently. They broke up after high school, but never lost 'their love for each other'. When they saw each other a few months ago, their 'love' for each other, instantly came back and they decided to get married.

I went upstairs and found Luke fast asleep. I took one of his shirts and his boxers to the bathroom and changed. This was a usual thing for me now. Since I've been staying with Luke, I'd wear his clothes to bed. Once I got into bed, he shifted and grabbed me, hugging me tight.

"Goodnight, Heart," he mumbled.

"Night, piercings." I kissed his forehead and played with his hair.

(A/N): Hey guys, just letting you know that She's A Challenge has 8 more chapters to go. I know I'm going to miss writing this wonderful sad, beautiful, tragic fanfiction. Haha, Taylor Swift reference!

I'll have another story up, mostly likely over the summer. I don't know if I'll have time for a weekly update like I usually do.

Oh and I'm graduating next month. Yay, high school's almost over, but I start college right away *crying internally* There's going to be a lot happening over the summer and some surprises in store. So you should follow me on twitter or instagram to stay updated. You don't really have to.

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