1. You are my home

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It's not a dream. It's true.

Taehyung felt it when his hesitant fingers touched the nose of a person who was lying beside him. so peacefully,


Seokjin is naked.

The realization made Taehyung look at himself. He is not completely naked but the bite marks over his belly confirm the night.

So.....they made love!!!!

For the first time.

Taehyung's lips curved a little upside down, he felt shy as the memory flooded into his conscious mind, it was so exciting and scary moment for him.

The way Seokjin kissed out all of his doubts, how he swallowed all of his anxiety, how he encouraged him to undress Seokjin, and the way he kissed every inch of his body to convey to him that every inch of his is a blessing for seokjin to touch.

Taehyung never fingered himself it was only Seokjin's one slender crooked finger Taehyung screamed bitch, taking something to your anal hole is not just exciting but painful too.

Seokjin took plenty of time to prep him with a lot of lube.  After Taehyung confirmed he is ready seokjin's cock moved around his hole which clenched and unclenched with anticipation, it was little red from fingering. After hundreds of confirmations seokjin slowly entered him.

Gosh!! Taehyung still can feel the pain.

Jin's head moved slowly in and out helping Taehyung to ease and relax, then slowly his cock moved inside him against his walls which are trying their best to resist.

Seokjin breathed love words in his ears and distracted him a little with his kisses, it let Seokjin move further.

Taehyung felt he had been splitting into two, but after some time he felt good, seokjin stayed wherever he was until Taehyung got adjusted to stretching, and then he moved in and out carefully not hurting Taehyung.

Taehyung felt his thighs get cramped with the sensation he felt inside. God, it felt so good.

" Ahh Tae.... Baby you are so tight..... Please relax".

Taehyung could still hear the breathy voice in his ears, which made Taehyung move closer to Seokjin and let his fingers trace the sweat line over his boyfriend's face.

Taehyung didn't know he was clenching Seokjin's dick, as he was so much into the pleasure.

The more he relaxed the more Seokjin's dick went deeper. He wondered how much more Seokjin could still move.

But Seokjin didn't move further. He just moved in and out, making Taehyung's hole adjust to his girth.

The sensation was too much for Taehyung, he came with that, and the intensity surprised him.

After some more thrust, Seokjin came in his condom. And took care of Taehyung.

Taehyung's cheek felt warm, remembering every bit of the previous night. He knows Seokjin remembers it too, but he wonders if he remembers it with the same intensity as him.

His fingers brushed Seokjin's hair back to see the glory of his forehead in the early morning, his fingers went down to pull the soft ear lobe which was a little red due to cold, the soft tug made Seokjin pout unconsciously making Taehyung bite his lip again holding back the smile.

Seokjin looks ethereal, it's not just about his physical beauty but the seokjin he had seen in 2 years..... funny but mature, loud but softest, intimidating yet the only person Taehyung can embrace without a doubt.

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