Chapter 2: She's Coming Home

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Alessio's POV

"Will you take the deal, Mr. Blade?" the Albanian mafia boss, James, asked. "Of course it beneficial for both mafias," I respond in a usual cold tone. Before we go any further let me introduce myself I'm Alessio Blade the American Mafia Don and the father of 5 boys and 1 girl. But my daughter was taken away by my late wife, Zaria when she was only 1. I have been looking for my daughter, Zinnia, ever since. I finished my meeting with James and headed to my office to finish up more work. 

Time Skip 2 Hours (Still in his office)

It's been 2 hours and I'm only halfway done with my paperwork and this is getting more stressful I need a drink. I call one of my maids to get me a glass of whisky, maybe that will help me relax a bit. "Here's your drink sir~," one of the younger maids says trying to be seductive, she failed horribly BTW, as she hands me my drink I could tell she pulled her shirt down to show more cleavage, dumb whore. "Your fired," I state in a bored tone, and her smile drops to a sad and shocked look. She runs out the door crying right as I get a call from my work phone, I answer the phone to be met with a feminine voice on the other end.

Phone Convo



A-Who is it?

S-This is the Chief of Beaulieu-sur-Mer police department, your daughter Zinnia Monroe's stepfather was arrested and she is in the system, since your her only blood-related relative to her would you like to take custody of her. 

A- Yes ofcourse I would love to take custody of her!

S-Ok I will email you her custody papers, and will you be flying her out, or will you come personally to retrieve her. 

A-I will come personally and get her I will be there in about 8 hours.

S-Ok ill see you soon.

End of the Convo

I can believe my figlia is ok and she's coming! I internally smile at the thought of my Principessa here right in front of me. I quickly run out of my office to the garage while calling my private captain to get the jet ready to go to France. I hop into a black Rolls Royce as fast I can and speed off to the airport with only one thing on my mind and that thing is my Principessa...

Zinnia's POV (At the police department)

Why am I just sitting here with this thin ass blanket and horrible food I have been waiting for over 2 hours here with nothing to do, my phone died and I forgot my charger. My ribs hurt like a bitch and I can't even ask for pain killers cause my limping was already suspicious. My thoughts were interrupted by a soft-toned voice greeting me "Hello I'm Lily your social worker I have some information about where you will be staying."  

"What's going to happen to me will I go into foster care!?,"I ask her slightly worried and fakely innocent. "Calm down honey I have contacted your father an-" "FATHER WHAT FATHER I WAS TOLD HE DIED!" I yell jumping off the couch. "Your father isn't dead your mom kidnapped you from him when you were only 1." I just gape at her information I was told my father died in a car crash when I was just a year old. "You are going to stay with your father and brothers," Lily says in a calm manner while I just open and closes my mouth like a damn fish.

 "Um, when will I leave- WAIT, BROTHERS?!," I ask generally confused and shocked. "Yes, you have 5 brothers all older than you, and can you please stop yelling?" She asks I just nod slowly and sit down. "As I was saying your father will be flying here to Beaulieu-sur-Mer to come to get you." "Where does he live?" I ask shocked that he would fly all the way here to France just to pick me up. "He lives in NYC with all your brother and he will be here soon."

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