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8. Sweet Mariah Carey

I groaned as my alarm clock went off. How did Monday come around so quickly? Getting out of bed was once again a struggle, but I managed to.

Groaning, I hauled myself out of bed and got ready before heading downstairs.

"Well surprise surprise, look who's home," I remarked with a chuckle.

My dad smiled, shaking his head. "Hey sweetheart."

I grabbed a piece of toast off his plate and took a bite. "Did Charlie go back to school?"

He nodded. "This morning. Hey I'm taking Em to school you want a ride?"

"That's okay," I said. "Austin's picking me up."

On that cue, the doorbell rang, and I went to open up. Austin was standing there as expected.

"You're early," I chuckled.

"And I'm also hungry," he said, before letting himself in and to the kitchen. "Morning Michaels family."

My mom gave him a warm smile. "Austin, hello. You're just in time."

"Well you can trust my timing where there's food involved," he joked.

I only shook my head and sat down beside him. My sister joined us soon, and we had breakfast together before each of us had to leave.

"Okay," I chuckled once Austin and I were on our way to school. "Who was blowing up your phone at breakfast?"

He played dumb. "Huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not stupid, I could tell you didn't want to respond to the texts you were getting."

He caved. "Fine...it's just a girl I hung out with at the party last weekend."

"A girl," I teased, poking his arm. "And who is this girl who's got your attention huh?"

He swatted my hand away and I laughed, poking him some more.

"Khalan, for God's sakes you'll make me crash this car," he protested.

"Tell me who the girl is you goof," I demanded, poking him some more.

He intentionally swerved out of the lane and I let out a squeal as I shrunk back into my seat in alarm.

"That was not funny!" I huffed.

"Poking me wasn't either," he laughed.

"I hate you."

He only kept laughing and turned the music up as we made our way to school.

Shayley and Jessica were bickering at Jessica's locker which was next to mine when Austin and I got there. Shayley usually bickered with Austin so it was odd.

"What's going on?" I chuckled once we were within hearing distance.

"Jessica likes someone!" Shayley blurted.

Jess hit her shoulder. "No I don't you nosey homo sapien."

"Yes you do," Shayley said. "You were all mopey Saturday night and so I stayed at your house with you because you didn't want to run into a certain someone at that party."

"How do you know it's someone she has feelings for?" I asked, trying to go easy on Jess.

"Thank you you rational homo sapien," Jessica groaned.

"Well pay no mind Jess, unlike you, someone is actually hiding something," I said, glancing at Austin.

"Man what is it with the secrets today?" Shayley laughed. "Spill."

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