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"Austin, if you want answers you can just ask you know," I said. He was trying to copy off my worksheet in Math class.

"Okay, can I have answers?" he asked.

I chuckled. "No."

"See," he groaned. "This is why I cheat off you."

I rolled my eyes and slid my worksheet towards him. "You know, you're going to have to learn to solve equations on your own one day."

"Now why would I do that when I have you?" he said, eagerly writing stuff down. 

I gently nudged his shoulder and he laughed softly. Austin wasn't a bad student, he was just too lazy to try hard enough. When he did though, like on exams, he actually did pretty well. 

I felt something light hit the back of my head. The feeling came again, then again. I turned back and saw a smirking Shawn seats behind me. He winked as my eyes met his. I glared at him signaling him to concentrate on his work and turned. Unfortunately for me I had him in math too. And now that we were at least friendly to each other he bothered me any chance he got.

"Shawn," our teacher called. "Could you tell the class number four's answer please?"

I closed my eyes hoping he'd get it. For myself actually, at least I'd know if I was making progress.

He shrugged. "The square root of thirteen?"

"That's right," our teacher said, sounding impressed. "Well done Mr. Mitchell." 

 I didn't blame him. I was surprised too. Most of the time Shawn would intentionally give a response far away from the correct answer or say something sarcastic or cheeky but this tine he actually responded, and gave the right answer too! I looked at him and nodded in approval. He tried playing it cool but I saw the small smile forming at the corner of his mouth. Then he threw another tiny piece of paper at me and I rolled my eyes and turned around once more.

"What was that about?" Austin asked me.

"Oh just Shawn being Shawn I guess," I muttered, working on the next question.  

"You two are friends now?" he chuckled.

"We're...friendly...I guess," I replied, trying to find the right word. "I guess he's not as big an asshole as I thou-"

"Khalan, quiet please," the teacher said. "You could take a page out of Shawn's book and focus on your work you know."

Austin stifled his laughter, and my mouth hung open for a second. I sent a petty look to Shawn and he just laughed at me.



"Hello," Shawn said as he sat down at the table I was at for lunch.

I looked at him in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

He smirked. "What you're not happy to see me?"

"No, not really," I replied.

"You know Jacob right?" he said gesturing to his friend.

"What's up?" Jacob said.

"And Liam of course," Shawn added pointing to the other one who grinned at me. "Jacob, Liam, this is Michaels. She's the annoying girl who's supposed to make sure I can eventually graduate."

I knew them. Oddly enough we all had history together.

"I have a first name you know," I told him.

"Don't be rude Michaels," Shawn continued. "Aren't you going to introduce me too?"

I glared at him. "No."

Tutoring Mr. Bad Boy (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now