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4. Have Fun On Your "Not Date"

It was lunch and Shayley, Austin, Jess and I were seated at a table as usual.

"Uh oh," Shayley chuckled, gesturing to the person approaching. "Hurricane Renée at six o'clock Austin."

I rolled my eyes and Austin sighed, shaking his head.

"Hey Austin," the familiar voice came, making the hairs on my back stand.

"Hey Renée," he responded, forcing a smile.

"I called you on Friday, you never answered," she said, ignoring the rest of us.

I scoffed and she sent me a nasty glare.

Renée Walker. We didn't exactly get along. And her dislike for me grew even stronger when she and Austin were dating sometime ago. We could have been friends probably, but she was too jealous to see that. She blamed me for the fact that they never worked out the way she wanted to. I didn't like Austin in a romantic way then, nor do I do now. But for some reason she refuses to see that. And come on, did she really think Austin was going to stay with a girl who hated his best friend's guts?

"Yeah," he responded. "I was out."

"So, you have any plans for tonight?" she asked.

"Um, yeah I..." he started. He gave me a 'please-help-me' look.

I only sent him an apologetic look. I wasn't any good when I was put on the spot.

"I'm going out with...Jess!" he blurted.

Jessica almost choked on her water. "Excuse me?"

"Yeah, we made plans remember?" he asked giving her a pleading look.

She sighed. "Um...yeah, yeah I remember now."

"Since when were you two dating?" Renée asked suspiciously.

"We're not!" Jessica quickly said. "I mean, we're just going out as friends. Nothing else,"

"Well uh...have fun," she said, and then walked away.

The bell rang and Austin sighed in relief.

"You know, out of all the girls you've dated she's not so bad," Shayley remarked. "Too bad she turned into a bitch."

"What happened to the girl you went out with on Friday?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "She's not really my type."

I only shook my head at that. One of these days he was going to find a girl who would keep his head on straight.

"Well have fun on your 'not date'," Shayley teased getting up.

Jess rolled her eyes. "We're not actually going out," she said.

"Thanks for going along with it though," Austin thanked her. "I'll see you girls later."

He got going, leaving just the girls and I.

Tutoring Mr. Bad Boy (REWRITE)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz