Chapter 113: Reunion

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"Thanks, Mrs. G!" Jay flashed a grateful grin at Misako.

"Jay!" He turned to find Nya flying toward him on a shallow water slide. She let the water dissemble into a pool as she flew into his arms. "Are you OK?!"

"Y— yeah!" He hugged her back tenderly, making sure not to hurt his already-mangled hand. "It's all good! We had our werecat buddies watching our back— look out!"

Nya whirled around. Two wolves balancing on a pile of boulders were dropping down on them. Yellow teeth flashed at their faces.

Fire plumed over their heads. It washed over the wolves, singeing their fur and faces. With shrill yelps and whines they plummeted on the floor clumsily.

"Back off, Rover! Those are my friends!" Stumbling dizzily, Kai held his arms out and shot another hot plume of fire at the wolves. The wolves got up yelping and stumbled away.

"Kai!" Eyes welling with tears, Jay raced for his friend, arms outstretched. "You're alive! You're alive!"

Kai's eyes widened in panic. "Wait, no, I'm—! Ugh!"

His words ended in a loud grunt of pain as Jay hugged him tight. Nya and Skylor hurried to pry him off. It was only then Jay saw his burned and shriveled hands. His face contorted with disgust and pity. "Dude! What happened?!"

"No time for that," Skylor said impatiently.

"She's right." Groaning, Kai straightened and gave Jay a pale smile. "But good to see you, zap-trap." He surveyed the scene. "So. What've we got?"

"Angry wolves and shape-shifting cats. But some of them are our friends."

Kai looked bewildered. "Which cats are the bad cats?"

"The cats that are trying to kill you are the bad cats."

"I guess that makes sense."

Zane joined them. "I sense we are close to the end of this." His words were dark, but a shadow of a smile flickered on his metallic face. "Whatever may happen, I am happy to have all my friends together again."

"Likewise, buddy." Kai faced the crowd of battling werecats and wolves. Skylor linked her arm with his, and they shared a smile. Likewise Nya grasped Jay's good hand and squeezed it.

Ronin joined them, along with a frazzled-looking Mr. Brookstone. Misako appeared by her son's side, followed by Dragon Leaf. As one they faced the heart of the battle.


Everyone looked at Kai.

"It's good to be home." He took a deep breath, then looked up at them all. A familiar smile spread across his face. "Ninjaaaa...!"

"GO!" The ninja, their friends and feline allies charged forward and threw themselves into the battle.

Spinjitzu vortexes shot across the room, sending wolves and werecats alike flying. The canine army edged back in alarm. The humans—from Lloyd to Mr. Brookstone—were fighting back with renewed ferocity. Both elemental powers and weapons flashed, disarming and wounding adversaries. The wolves began to retreat, fleeing with panicked yelps back to the tunnel that led to freedom.

All the ninja were back together again, and everyone who had torn them apart in the first place felt the full force of their power.

Jay and Nya worked together, fusing their water and lighting together to rain electric droplets on a group of attacking Moon Tribe warriors. The humanoid warriors fell to their knees screeching and shuddering from the shocks, tongues of electricity washing over their bodies. Nearby Kai shot waves of fire at several nekomata attempting to attack him. Their fur caught aflame and they fled with wild wails. Skylor never left his side, alternating between her powers to defeat her opponents.

Roots of Earth ~ A Ninjago Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن