Chapter 14

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After the run-in with the older man, Jaemin didn't plan on leaving my side any time soon. I talked to a few people, some conversations weren't the most pleasurable.

"You know, you're really pretty. How about you come with me after the party," one of the many men who have tried to take me out tonight said.

"I'm kind of occupied right now," I laughed, pointing to Jaemin. He had his arms wrapped around my waist, his chin resting on the top of my head.

I'd gotten used to his clingy behaviours the past few weeks and didn't mind him being so touchy with me. I've always told people I hate skinship, but deep down, I'm mainly just embarrassed because I enjoy it.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," the man said, ruffling his hair before walking away. His reaction was much more different than some of the others I've seen tonight. Perhaps it was because he was a bit of a smaller male, and Jaemin was surprisingly in shape.

I looked up to Jaemin, in which his chin dropped from my head. His nose hit the top of my head and a loud 'ow' came from him. I giggled before asking if he was okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said, rubbing his nose. I backed away then tiptoed the tiniest bit to kiss him on the nose.

"Better?" I asked, blushing slightly.


"WAIT. FACE IS PLAYING." I started clapping my hands like an idiot at one of my favourite songs playing. "Won't you come with me," I started singing. Jaemin just stood there, watching me act like a five-year-old when Old MacDonald came on. "Come on," I brought Jaemin closer to me.

"I like your face." I started singing the lyrics with Jaemin's face dangerously close to mine. My arms were wrapped around his neck, gradually bringing him closer to me.

"빨간 입술 cherry." {Your red lips like cherry}. I stared at his lips, as the lyric was quite fitting. Jaemin wasn't singing along, which was disappointing, but I wasn't too surprised.

"I like your taste." I flashed my eyes up to his, only to find him staring at my lips. I stared at his lips in return.

"빠져들 같아." {Falling into you}.

"I like your face."

"엉클어진 머리." {Your tangled hair}. I moved my hands to play with his hair accordingly.

"I like your taste."

I didn't notice Jaemin's grip around my waist until it tightened, hugging me closer to him.

"You take me to space, yeah." I laughed innocently after all the lyrics sang.

"You don't know how much I want to kiss you right now," Jaemin sighed.

"Yeah? And why don't you?" I hummed up to him. Jaemin's gaze dropped. Not down to mine, but down to the floor. It was soon shifted to my own eyes.

"May I?"

Those were the same words he had asked during our 7 minutes in heaven. I had answered with a simple nod last time, so what was stopping me from doing it again.

I nodded my head. Jaemin moved his hands from my waist to my face slowly. It was in such a teasing way.

Once his hands rested on either side of my face, he brought my lips to his. The kiss was soft as we were moving our connected lips in perfect synchronisation.

Only a few seconds later did I pull away breathlessly. Jaemin backed away in worry, "I'm so sorry," he said frantically. "Did I do something wrong? Did I go too far?"

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