Chapter 8

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I had finally gotten out all the board games we had. From Monopoly to Uno. It was 5:43, so Jaemin should be coming over in roughly two minutes if we were being precise. There was a knock on the door.

I opened the door to be greeted with a smiley boy. He was wearing a light blue pajama set with pinkish vertical stripes. I looked down to see cute bunny slippers. "You aren't wearing pajamas," Jaemin said with a pout.

"I was busy getting out the board games and snacks," I explained. "Watch the stuff and make sure nobody steals anything. I need to go get changed."

"Am I allowed to eat the chips?" Jaemin called after me as I walked to my room.

"Fine, just don't eat all of them."

I stood in front of my closet staring at three pairs of pajamas. There was a pair of silk black pajamas I got from Victoria's Secret. Of course I didn't buy it, Cho did for my birthday last year. The next pair was a Christmassy plaid pajama set. I could rule that out. The last set of pajamas, what I wore most often to bed, was an oversized t-shirt and short shorts. I sighed, not sure which one to choose.

"Hey Jaemin! Come in here please," I called from my room. My bedroom door opened, showing Jaemin with a hand over his eyes.

"You aren't naked, are you?" Jaemin asked with a small tint of red gracing his cheeks.

"No, I just need help picking which pair of pajamas I should wear," I laughed at how ridiculous Jaemin was being. He slowly lowered his hand from his eyes and came to look at my options.

"I don't want to wear the Christmas pajamas, so I'm left with those black silk ones," I pointed to the expensive clothes, "Or just a t-shirt and shorts," I pointed to the plainer option.

"I'd go with the black ones, they're more like a traditional pajama style, ya know?" I nodded at his answer.

"Now go or else I'm calling the police," I ordered. Jaemin held his hands up defensively while walking out of my bedroom.

I quickly got changed and walked to the living room. An idea popped into my mind.

"We should play Just Dance," I suggested. I was the queen of Just Dance; nobody could beat me even if they tried. I once beat my sister in Kill This Love with my eyes closed. "I want to see the face you make when I beat you," I smirked.

"But what if I don't want to play," he whined.

"Then you're boring," I said with a smirk. Jaemin rolled his eyes.

"So are Cho and Ki coming?" He asked. "I invited the boys, but only Jisung could make it."

"Cho and Ki are out, they should be back soon," I groaned in annoyance, "I did invite Yangyang though. He's bringing his roommate with him." Jaemin nodded. I sat down next to him on the couch. "Nice slippers," I said, pointing to his adorable bunny slip-ons.

He laughed, "Jisung got them for me for my birthday this year."

"Wait, when is your birthday?" I asked.

"August 13th, why?" He questioned my odd question.

"Ewww you're a Leo," I giggled. He playfully hit me in the arm.

"You're seriously shaming me for something I can't control," he crossed his arms in a huff.

I nodded, "That's exactly what I'm doing," I giggled as Jaemin shoved me. "And you say I abuse you?"

"It's just a little payback," he shrugged. There was a knock on the door as I was sitting up from the shove Jaemin gave me. "I'll get it," he walked to the door to open it for the guests I had invited.

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