Chapter 5

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My head pounded with thoughts as I woke up the day after the whole detention thing. I took a shower before going to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning y/n!" Ki said happily. It was odd for her to be out of bed this early. She would always get up early, just not get out of bed. I was the same way, but this morning was different. I had a terrible headache and needed some medicine asap. "Not good morning..?" Ki examined my expression.

"My head hurts; could you hand me some Advil?" I asked. Ki nodded, heading to the medicine cabinet.

"Did anything happen last night..." she trailed off while grabbing two pills and a glass of water.

"I just- I'm confused. I kissed Yangyang after he dropped me off last night, but it was platonic ya know? But then Cho was making me question everything. I only gave him a kiss on the cheek because I think he was flirting all night. He brought me to a cafe and then a rooftop and..." I sighed. "What if I'm leading him on. What if he likes me and I just made it seem like I liked him but... I don't."

"y/n, I think you're overthinking this. And honestly, if you're thinking about hurting him this much, then maybe you do like him. That's just what I think, I could always be wrong. But think about it, if you're so concerned about hurting him. If you care that much, maybe, just maybe you like him." Ki handed me the medicine for my headache.

"Thanks," I muttered.

"You're welcome. Just... think about what I said in the meantime." Ki walked off to her bedroom. That was weird. Ki hated the idea of me being close to guys because, well I don't know why, she was just never enthusiastic about it. I popped the pills in my mouth then drank the cup of water. What was there to eat?

I got up from behind the counter and grabbed a box of cereal along with the gallon of milk in the fridge.


I sighed as I opened the door to another day of college, but to my surprise, someone was standing outside the apartment.

"Oh hey Jaemin, are you waiting Cho or Ki?"

"Oh uhm I was actually here to see you- see if you wanted to go to that cafe you talked about yesterday." Jaemin stuttered. I was somewhat amazed that he remembered.

"I wasn't exactly planning on going today, but we can go if you'd like," I said with a smile.

"Oh also, I was wondering if I could get your number so I don't just appear outside your apartment unannounced," he lightly chuckled at himself. The atmosphere was a bit awkward between us at the moment.

"Yeah, sure," I shuffled through my bag to find my phone. Jaemin grabbed his quickly from his crossbody bag. I opened the contacts app and hit 'create new contact', then handed the phone to Jaemin as he did the same. After punching in my number, I handed the phone back to him. He laughed before clicking a picture of me.

"Delete that!" I said ridiculously.

"I needed a photo of you for your contact. I can't just be talking to a faceless person." Jaemin giggled.

"Yeah but what if I look ugly," I said while trying to see the picture the bubbly boy just took.

"You never look ugly," Jaemin said while holding his phone up in the air.

"Well you've only known of me for a week," I countered while jumping to get the phone. "I'll kick you," I threatened, stopping jumping.

"You really want me to delete such a pretty picture of you," Jaemin pouted.

"Just let me see it, if I look like a gremlin then you have to delete it. If I don't, then it's fine." Jaemin brought the phone down from above us to show me the picture.

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