Chapter 4

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The door to the finance room stood in front of me. I'll get on her good side, just you watch. My own words rang in my ears. I even shuddered at them.

"You good?" Yangyang said from behind me, placing his hand on my shoulder. Suppose he took my advice on the pervert comment.

I nodded, "I'm fine."

The door opened at exactly 8:30. "So glad you could make it," prof. Lee said with a smile. She glared at Yangyang's hand on my shoulder. "Oh, so I see you two have a thing going on. I should have known."

"Actually, ma'am, there isn't anything going on between us," I hesitated to speak. "We actually only met today."

"Hmm, well come in, you aren't doing much just standing there."

Yangyang quickly took his hand off my shoulder. The classroom was empty and quite messy. "Just clean up the place and you'll be free to go. I'll give you up to an hour, but no more. If you happen to finish early, you get to leave early." She smiled. I bowed before she left us in the empty classroom.

"We should pick up all the trash first," I said. "We'll clean the whiteboard after that. Then..." I tried thinking of what else was needed to be cleaned. The pencil marks on the desk drew my attention. "We'll wipe down the desks."

"You have this all planned out. Did you get detention a lot in high school?" Yangyang asked, and to which I shook my head. Just want to get on her good side. I thought to myself, knowing how competitive I was going to get with this.

I started cleaning by walking around the class, picking up any piece of paper on the floor. Next was the whiteboard. I took the whiteboard cleaner and sprayed it all over. I wiped down the board until I felt something wet spray over my back. My head whipped around to Yangyang smiling his gummy smile.

"What was that for?" Yangyang laughed at my clear anger.

"Just want to make it fun."

I grabbed the spray from him and started chasing him around the class. I eventually managed to squirt him right in the face.

"And that's payback," I smiled to myself.

"Glad I made you smile," Yangyang said, looking accomplished. His smile was adorable. It showed his top gums and all this top teeth. Laugh lines formed on the sides of his smile as his eyes formed into a not exactly crescent shape, but they were almost entirely closed. His nostrils would flare a bit when he smiled. I didn't know how I noticed since I had only met him. I snapped out of my daze that the boy standing before me had caused.

"We should get back to work," I said, looking down, away from Yangyang's contagious smile.

"I'll start wiping down the desks while you get the whiteboard, then we can get out of here quicker. I have something to show you anyway." Yangyang said, handing me the cleaner.

"Why would you tell me that," I whined, "Now I won't be able to stop thinking about it."

"Then you'll be more motivated to work," Yangyang smirked. He was right, I hated surprises, so I needed to know now.

I wiped down the whiteboard as quickly as possible, then moved onto the desks with Yangyang. I looked to the clock on the wall, 9:07. We only had 23 minutes until we were out of time. I started wiping the desks even faster.

"I think we should be good," I said, taking a look at the clean class. Yangyang stepped back to see what I was seeing.

"You think she'll approve?"

"Let's pray she does." I walked out to find the professor. To my convenience, I could hear her talking to another professor in a classroom down the hall.

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