Chapter 7

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I walked into the trash-filled auditorium, Jaemin following behind me.

"You know, 7/10 attacks are from behind," Jaemin said laughing.

I turned around with my hands up, almost like a bear, "And then there's the 3/10 from the front," I laughed. Jaemin shook his head at me while poking his tongue against his cheek (Jaehyun frat boy style if you know what I mean).

"You wouldn't hurt a fly," Jaemin laughed at my attempt to scare him.

"Wrong. I've killed many flies, plus, I have three siblings," I said with a slight pout.

"Did you just admit to abusing your siblings?" Jaemin said, raising an eyebrow.

"Anyways," I laughed while trying to shift the topic, "We should get to work."

"Wow y/n, didn't know you had a thing for abuse," Jaemin teased. I hit him in the shoulder playfully.

"They were the ones that abused me! I had to," I put up my hands in a fighting stance, "Learn to fight back." Jaemin started laughing hysterically at me. I joined him in laughing as I realised how dumb I was.

"You're right, we should get to work, I don't want to watch this mess any longer," Jaemin said, picking up a trash bag that was left in the auditorium with other cleaning supplies. "I'm thinking we could pick up the pens first, then the papers..." Jaemin sighed with disgust,"Then we'll sweep the popcorn, and get the gum up somehow."

"Why would they even serve popcorn here," I thought aloud, picking up a few pens in front of me.

"To appeal to the youth," Jaemin said in an accent that made me giggle. "Put the pens in this bag," he held out the trash bag for me to drop the multiple pens I was holding.

"Is it just me, or does prof. Lee hate me?" I asked Jaemin, wondering if he saw it too.

"I think she's just old and tired of life," he replied, "She's a teacher, so I don't think she's allowed to hate any of her students, it's like, illegal."

"Do you think there's a way to get on her good side?"

"Why are you so concerned with impressing prof. Lee?"

"Cho dared me to get on her good side, and I just can't give up a dare. But I feel like it's gonna be impossible to get her to like me since this is my second outstanding discipline... and we have to do this for the rest of the week." I groaned while picking up five more pens.

"We should play truth or dare sometime, you'd be fun to play with." Jaemin suggested.

"Oh yeah, I never choose truth cuz it's just plain boring like, I wanna be dared to kiss someone's foot, not be asked if I like someone." I paused before suggesting something, "We should have a game night at my place tonight. You can invite Jisung since Ki won't mind him, Jeno too. I think Cho has a thing for him. The other boys can come too if they want. I can invite Yangyang too!" I started getting excited at my own idea.

"Are you sure Ki won't murder me on site?" Jaemin laughed. "Oh, also, don't tell anyone I told you this, but Jisung told me he likes Ki," Jaemin giggled.

"They'd be pretty cute together," I thought aloud. "Wait! Don't tell Ki I said that. She doesn't exactly like the idea of... how do I put it?"

"Feeling restricted?"

"Exactly! She feels like she's lesser of a person if she's dating someone. I don't understand her." I picked up the last pen, placing it in the bag Jaemin was holding. "To be honest, I'd love to have a significant other. Someone that I could watch dramas or movies with. To wear costumes with on Halloween," I laughed, "I always want to dress up but no one else does." I sighed, "I just think it'd be so much fun dating someone, ya know. Actually being excited to wake up in the morning. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love everyone around me. Just sometimes... sorry I'm being selfish and over sharing way too much."

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