Panic and Fly

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Dragons shouldn't be out in the open, dragons should be imprisoned along with their riders.

Dagur flinched against his fathers words, he never enjoyed the man. Then again the man never enjoyed his children especially after Dagur's mother's death. He was a cruel man and when Heather came along he only got worse. His head pounded as he finally got back to the apartment, he just needed peace and quiet. What would he do about the lunch invite?

You? A dragon rider? You may need to be taught another lesson.

Dagur jerked as he sat down on the couch, his head roaring as he tried to get out of his memories. He didn't want this right now, if Heather was home he'd have to get out. He wouldn't want to accidentally snap at her over him being trapped in his mind. He was starting to shake, his hands digging into the fabric on the sofa as he tried to keep his calm. A low growl rolled through his head trying to bring him back to the present.

"You're right, I shouldn't let his words haunt me." Dagur whispered but there was no way around it. They weren't going anywhere anytime soon, his father said those words years ago and they still bothered him. They still drew him closer and closer to the edge of insanity as it ripped and tore at his psyche. He could feel the small laugh coming on as his mind thought about everything that came with it. Insanity was a nasty thing wasn't it.

He jolted to his feet as the timer in the kitchen went off. It was nearly noon, when did he set that alarm? His head rolled as he sort of staggered to the kitchen flipping the alarm off as he scrubbed at his face. Did he really have to go to this thing? He knew Heather would be disappointed if he didn't, he'd do it for her. Dagur slipped his shoes on before heading out of the apartment, locking the door behind him as he went.

Pathetic aren't you.

Dagur growled as he reached the bottom of the stairs, his grip on the railing shattering the old and rickety piece of wood. Shaking his hand he let the splinters clatter to the ground, and he tried to ignore the burning rage that was forming. He felt the heat from the dragon as he reinforced his riders emotions, the anger rolling through him as those words ripped their way through his mind. It felt like claws were digging into his skin where his old scars were, shaking his head again he left the building. A gust of wind rushed into him, helping him ground himself just a bit as Dagur turned heading down one of the alleys. Fire burned at his throat as he heard his fathers voice in his head trying to sour his day.

"Caldera Cay." Dagur whispered as he took a deep breath, finally getting his head under control. "Okay, you can do this." Dagur mumbled before walking out of the alley. "We got this." Dagur reassured. He headed down the road, he remembers seeing the building near the campus, it shouldn't take him too long.

Brainless boy. Maybe I should have killed you at birth.

That stopped him in his tracks, a soft noise radiated through him as Sleuther tried to comfort his rider. He didn't see anything around him as the world tried to shift dragging him back to that day, the day he was thrown out. Where he held his baby sister closer, as his father and stepmother tossed the two starved and hurt children into the snowy night. Why did that throw him? Anger started to rise and he growled, his fists clenching, as he grit his teeth trying to pull himself from the memory. He could still remember the fear in Heather's eyes as she looked up at him, she didn't know what to do and the only person who cared was just as lost.

"Dagur?" His sister's voice cut through the memory as he blinked a few times staring down at the dark haired woman. "You okay?" She asked, bringing her hands up to his face, and giving him a soft smile.

"Fine." Dagur gulped back the memories as best he could. Heather didn't seem satisfied by that answer but ultimately she let it slide as she heard people calling her name.

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