Surge's of Insanity

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Wake up! Dagur, wake up!

The voice seemed so quiet as he finally forced his eyes open, the room was dark and not what he expected. He expected to see Heather in front of him, concern written across her features as she comforted him out of another nightmare. His head roared as reality came crashing into him. They fell, they fell from the sky. Hiccup!

He yanked at his wrists feeling a slight strain, and he looked down to the zip ties that had him tied to the metal chair. He jerked again, testing the strength of the ties, before noticing his ankles were also tied down. He looked over his situation as quickly as he could, noticing something that made his heart sink. Jump leads were hooked to the chair under the arms and at the back, Dagur could only imagine where the battery was. His attention snapped around the room, he needed to get out.

He finally noticed Hiccup sitting across from him, the younger man seemed to be out cold and as far as Dagur saw there was nothing to shock him with. The room was dark, around them making him believe that maybe they were alone.. He tested the zip ties again, they had to give up at some point. Sleuther hissed something at him, as he allowed the dragon to use his senses. Sleuther's eyes flickered through his riders for a moment and an overpowering scent pushed the dragon back in. The dragon root was in the room. Even if he wanted to let the dragon out, he knew the triple stryke wouldn't risk going insane on his rider or possibly leaving them doomed without another option of escape. If Dagur wanted his dragon to come out, he needed to get rid of the dragon root.

"Hiccup." Dagur whispered as he tried to free his legs. "Hiccup." Dagur said a little louder and he noticed a small movement from the younger. A groan escaped Hiccup as the auburn raised his head a little, his eyes still closed for the moment before they blinked open.

"Dagur?" Hiccup's voice was quiet, they must have knocked him out as well. It took the boy a moment to register what was going on and then the panic came and Hiccup tried to jerk out of the restraints just like Dagur. "What's happening?" Hiccup asked as he really looked at his boyfriend, noticing the chair. "Dagur..." His voice disappeared.

"Yeah, I know we gotta get out of here before they know we are awake cause who knows what they'll do." Dagur mumbled as he tried again at his wrists.

"What about the rage?" Hiccup asked. Dagur had thought about that but he didn't know if he could force anger up when he was in such a panic right now.

"I can try but I'm not exactly in the best mindset to go berserk." Dagur whispered as a crack came from behind them and the two fell silent, their jerked movements stopping. Four people stepped into the room they were cloaked in dragon pelts as Dagur swallowed thickly knowing exactly who these people were now. Dragon hunters. He has seen them on different islands in varying forms; he had hoped that they were mostly wiped out on Berk but it appears not.

"Hello, Hiccup." A voice said as a man stepped forward dragging a chair with him. "Good to see you again." The man smiled at him, his hair was dark brown and he wore a long beard which was tied into a twist knot. In truth the man looked like no one out of the ordinary if you had seen him walking around the streets. He wore a simple knitted cap and long sleeved shirt with a swirly blue pattern on it. His pants looked like he had just walked out of a cartoon, they were a multicolored pinstripe. If it wasn't for the red sari wrapped around his chest and that flowed down under his belt and to his waist, Dagur would have assumed the man was a beggar.

"What the hell are you doing here! You're supposed to be in jail." Hiccup snapped as he glared at the man in front of him.

"Now, Hiccup can't have you being angry with me." The man smiled as he leaned forward in his chair to get closer to the younger.

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