Flying High

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 Dagur wasn't surprised to see Hiccup already waiting for him as he walked up to the front of the college campus. Okay, relax this was just a normal flight... not on Sleuther but it was still a dragon. No reason to freak yourself out over this, no reason. Not like if you screw this up, it's going to be that much harder to get to the young man's father. A low rumble from his head silenced the thoughts for a few moments. Right, no reason to think like that.

"Hey Hiccup." Dagur said as Hiccup smiled greeting the older man. Dagur pushed down the hood of the bright red sweatshirt he got earlier from goodwill. He should at least not wear the same thing he first met Hiccup in. The other was dressed quite well in a pair of dark pants and a deep green long sleeve.

"Dagur, hey. I was just... um... making sure that Toothless was all saddled and ready... you know can never be too careful... you know with all the people that dislike dragons and all..." Hiccup spouted and Dagur couldn't help the chuckle. Hiccup most certainly did have a crush on him if he was stumbling this much over his words.

"So how do you fly him exactly?" Dagur asked. Hiccup smiled rushing to the left side of the dragon as he gestured to what appeared to be a pedal.

"I use my leg as the steering mechanism. Normally I don't have a shoe on and there is a separate attachment to my leg that I can take on and off. It hooks into the pedal better."

"So did you buy this?" Dagur asked as he knelt down to look at the mechanical plate that ran to the fin at the end. Touching the plate, the fin moved as it expanded out straight.

"I made it." Hiccup beamed. "I also made the leg attachment which I should probably put on before we fly." Hiccup said as he reached for the leather saddle's satchel, pulling out something that Dagur couldn't quite see. He was actually really impressed by the device, it was well crafted and fit the dragon perfectly. Maybe he can have Hiccup make something for Sleuther, you know if they were still on talking terms...

"Okay, I'm ready." Hiccup said. He quickly slid his foot in place where it locked, moving the plate making sure that it was locked in correctly. Pulling himself onto the night fury's back he looked back at Dagur and offered his hand. Dagur hesitated, this would be the first dragon he had ridden that wasn't Sleuther and normally that wasn't the most comfortable ride especially without a saddle. This was an entirely new experience as he slowly took the younger man's hand allowing him to pull him up and into the saddle.

"So where do I-" The dragon jerked as it rushed forward, taking to the air with a single beat of his wings. Dagur quickly wrapped his arms around Hiccup's stomach and pushed himself as close to the other as he could, burying his head into the others' shoulder. Toothless was so much faster than Sleuther, as the dragon continued to fly straight upwards.

"We gotta get over the taller buildings." Hiccup laughed as Dagur felt the rider move with his dragon, perfect sync.

"Please flatten out." Dagur whispered as Hiccup chuckled. The wind was tugging at Dagur's hair and his clothes trying to pull him off the night fury. It felt like forever before the dragon flattened but Dagur still didn't raise his head.

"You can look." Hiccup stated getting Dagur to pull his head away from the others' form. It was beautiful as the trio soared through the bright blue sky. The skyscrapers towered alongside them as the glass reflected the sunlight. The sounds of the busy streets below barely reached the two up above as they soared through the air on the dragons wings.

"Wow..." Dagur mumbled. He had only ever seen the city at night and from a far, they couldn't risk getting their dragons taken from them.

"Gorgeous isn't it." Hiccup said before looking back at Dagur.

Just a little Derangedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن