Winging It

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 He wanted to hit something, preferably something over someone but he wasn't too picky. Sleuther could feel his rider's anger as the two soared through the dark sky, the sea water below reflecting their image back in the moonlight. Windshear soared ahead of them, the dragon's silver body glowing brighter than the moon as Heather pressed herself to her beast's neck. Sleuther hummed, trying to calm the burning rage that wanted to take hold of the berserker, his wings beating softly as they flew.

"Kill Toothless." Dagur whispered as he thought about the night fury. He didn't know what to do, he couldn't exactly back out of a deal easily. Then again, the dragon was only part of the deal if he wanted the extra money. Dagur growled at himself as he pulled the black bandana over his nose a bit more. If anyone did see them the two riders would hopefully be hard to recognize with their faces concealed. Their extra pair of clothes laid hidden on Berks shoreline, as they donned their black riding armor. It was light, made of black dyed leather similar to Hiccup's saddle and it was something that Dagur was proud to have made instead of stolen. Scales from their dragons were sewn into the shoulders and most of the back was cloaked in the plates. Perhaps he could make them and sell them in the same shop that Hiccup sold stuff from.

Dagur growled as Sleuther continued to hum, the dragon was determined to calm its rider. Why was everything so weird now? He couldn't stop thinking about Hiccup, he had a job to do. It was a simple job, made much simpler without the idea of killing a dragon. Why was it bothering him so much? This shouldn't be such a big deal, it was just another kill he's done hundreds.

Your father sounds like an idiot.

Hiccup's words whispered through his head, why were they still here. Was he right? Was his father an idiot? Was he doing the right thing by Heather? He was starting to second guess his decisions. Was he wrong to keep Heather from getting registered?

"Hey big brother, you look a little lost." Heather laughed as Windshear slowed to the other dragon's speed. Dagur knew he was just coasting with Sleuther; he was too wrapped up in his head.

"Not lost, just thinking." Dagur answered before tugging at his hood making sure it was still in place. "How about a race." Dagur suggested as he could see Heather's eyes light up with excitement.

"Bet I can beat you to that outcrop." Heather pointed way out into the bay as Dagur laughed taking the challenge. Leaning down against Sleuther the dragon raced forward with Windshear right next to him, the two dragons were almost equal. Dagur knew Heather wasn't going full speed, if she was he would most certainly be very far behind.

"Are you even trying?" Dagur called out to his sister as the younger laughed, getting Windshear to overtake him. Grinning, Dagur asked Sleuther to go as fast as he could but he still knew he was no match for his sister's dragon. The outcrop came up fast as Windshear landed with a clatter, her scales sounding more like weapons than actual scales.

"You are so slow." Heather laughed once Sleuther landed.

"Hard not to be when we are nearly twice your size." Dagur chuckled as Heather pulled the bandana down from her face, her hood still up.

"So are you going to tell me what made you think so hard or is it another Dagur secret?" Heather questioned.

"No, no secret. I just had a good date with Hiccup and he said some stuff that made me rethink some things." Heather perked up at the statement. Dagur hadn't told her how the date had gone and now she was all ears.

"So it was good. He didn't blabber on and on did he?" Heather asked as Dagur snickered.

"Just a bit." Dagur informed.

"Sometimes he doesn't know when to shut his trap. What were you rethinking?"

"Was dad an idiot?" Dagur asked quickly as Heather stared at him.

"Of course dad was an idiot, so was my mom. Dagur, are you okay?" Heather whispered as she pushed Windshear closer to her brother and his dragon.

"It's just... I never thought of him as an idiot I guess... And now..." Dagur rubbed at his face thinking of how to word it. "Should we do something about it? I mean do we go get registered and become actual citizens of someplace? I don't know what to do? Did I make a mistake somewhere along the way? I just did what I thought was right but now I don't know." Dagur confessed. Heather was silent the whole time probably processing what he was saying.

"I mean, you did what you thought was right. I can't blame you for any of the choices you made, we were desperate, still kind of are. If you feel like we should do something else then we can try and do something else. But Dagur, I know the things you've seen and done have kind of destroyed a lot of those options. Registering will reveal no records of us since we were thrown out. What would we tell them? I can't be found out, you know that." Heather said, uncertain of the outcome herself. "I don't know if we have a choice anymore." Heather admitted and Dagur hated to agree. It wasn't rational, he wasn't thinking clearly but then again since their date he really hasn't been.

"You're right." Dagur mumbled as Sleuther gave a soft coo.

"I ju-" It was a hiss that stopped the two riders in their own thoughts. A noise that Dagur knew to only have one rider.

"Night fury!" Dagur screamed as he and Sleuther took to the air, Heather pulled up her bandana and followed after. They needed to leave, they needed to get back to someplace safe but they were in the middle of the bay. Dagur glanced behind him seeing the black of the dragon, blocking out some of the stars and lights from the city. Shit.

"Hey, wait!" Hiccup's voice echoed into the darkness as the two dragon riders soared back towards the city.

"Come on Sleuther, we gotta let Heather get to safety." Dagur whispered as he pulled back on the dragon's horns a bit, getting the beast to turn. Flames flew from Sleuther's jaws as the night fury and its rider swerved out of the way. Toothless snarled, his hiss sounding as the purple plasma blast flew, nearly hitting Sleuther as the dragon dove downwards to avoid the attack.

"I'm a friend." Hiccup yelled as Dagur yanked on Sleuther ordering him after the black dragon. One of his tails swung forward as Toothless growled and soared higher into the air. Dagur glanced back to the shoreline, seeing Heather and Windshear disappear into the tree line, and disappear from sight. Dagur gave a small tug as the dragon turned and darted down to the water as it soared above it. Toothless wasn't far behind them as the hissing of the night fury sounded, and Dagur hit his dragon in the side. The dragon obeyed, barrel rolling out of the way of the plasma blast. The tree line was coming up fast, he just hoped that Heather wouldn't miss the shot or hit him and Sleuther.

Silver spikes flew from the woods as they seared past Dagur's head, causing the night fury to dodge out of the way and stop the pursuit. Sleuther dove into the trees getting far enough in before Dagur jumped off the dragon's back, and recalled him into his mark. Heather sprinted up to him, her arms wrapping around him as the two got low to the ground and they slid into a small crevice between some rocks and a tree. The riders sat in silence as they heard the beating of a dragon's wings and the soft cry of the night fury.

"Yeah, I don't know where they went, bud." Hiccup said as he patted the dragons head and headed off towards the city. Heather and Dagur remained quiet for a few minutes until they were certain that Hiccup was gone before they came out of their hiding spot.

"You don't think he saw us do you?"

"Without our gear no." Dagur stated as Heather nodded. They needed to get their things and head back to the apartment, as much as they wished to return to flying, it was too dangerous now.

"Let's get out of here." Heather whispered as Dagur climbed up the rock face, they weren't far from where they left their stuff.


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